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You’re Getting On My Nerves THE NERVOUS SYSTEM By: Candace Janis and Ashley Fisch.

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Presentation on theme: "You’re Getting On My Nerves THE NERVOUS SYSTEM By: Candace Janis and Ashley Fisch."— Presentation transcript:

1 You’re Getting On My Nerves THE NERVOUS SYSTEM By: Candace Janis and Ashley Fisch

2 Why is the Nervous System important? Control center of your body Brain receives information from Nervous System in order to perform actions Without the Nervous System we could not exist We wouldn’t be able to perform everyday functions without our nervous system such as; our hearts wouldn’t beat, our blood wouldn’t flow, we wouldn’t be able to walk, we wouldn’t be able to breathe, we basically would not be alive without our nervous system.

3 CNS, PNS, SNS, ANS, Sympathetic, Parasympathetic

4 Central Nervous System Consists of the brain and spinal cord The brain contains hundreds of trillions of “support cells”

5 Nerve fibers (senses) Motor nerve fibers Sensory neurons run from stimulus receptors that inform CNS of stimuli Connect CNS to sensory organs Peripheral Nervous System

6 Somatic Nervous System Part of nervous system concerned with the control of voluntary muscle Portion of the Peripheral Nervous System that carries motor nerves to skeletal muscles.

7 Autonomic Nervous System Part of vertebrate system that regulates involuntary actions: Intestines Heart Glands This nerve system is divided into the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System

8 Sympathetic Nervous System Has an active “pushing” function Located to the Sympathetic Chain which attaches to the skin, blood vessels, and organs Accelerates heart rate Constricts blood vessels Raises blood pressure

9 Parasympathetic Nervous System Mainly relaxing function Slows heart rate Increases intestinal and gland activity Relaxes sphincter muscles

10 Diseases and Disorders Huntington Disease Locked-in Syndrome Wernicke Aphasia Wilson Disease Tourette Syndrome

11 Huntington Disease Tend to fidget Over months, develops into jerky involuntary movements Progresses over 10-25 years Leads to dementia Sometimes leads to death from infection High suicide rate

12 Locked-in Syndrome Caused by stroke, tumor or trauma to ventral part of rostral pons Quadriplegic: Unable to speak or facial movements Able to move eyes

13 Wernicke Aphasia Two main components 1 st impairment of comprehension of written and spoken language 2 nd inability to speak substantive language Which is being unable to form some words correctly Hard to function in society because they cannot understand “Fluent or Sensory Aphasia” Lesions producing this disorder can be found in boundary region of the temporal and parietal lobes on the dorsolateral surface of the left cerebral hemisphere. When this disorder is due to a stroke, there may be improvement to the point that the aphasia can no longer be found.

14 Wilson Dsease Wilson Disease “Hepatolenticular degeneration” This is cause by inheritance of the mutated chromosome 13. This prevents the body from eliminating excess copper. Ceruloplasmin is reduced a great amount in this disorder. Too much copper in the system damages calls in liver and leads to cirrhosis. Symptoms of the disease: a type of tremor in upper extremities, slow movement, and changes in temperament. People might become irritable, emotional, and may experience a decrease in mental capability. Treatment includes eliminating foods with copper.

15 Tourette Syndrome This syndrome begins in childhood and shows through various forms of tics. These tics include: frequent, irregular movements of the head, neck, or shoulders; more complex behaviors such as snorting, sniffing, and involuntary voice commands. As the syndrome progresses repetitive behaviors such as touching others, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and explosive involuntary cursing can be more common. Aggressive behavior and improper sexual impulses are the rarest and most severe expressions of the syndrome. The cause of Tourette syndrome is not known, but it is believed to have a genetic component.

16 Effects of Alcohol on the Nervous System -A great absorption of alcohol causes a greater impairment to the brain and causes an individual to have a higher difficulty with normal motor functions -Alcohol is a Central Nervous System depressant -Alcohol reduces sensitivity to pain -Alcohol affects vision in the following ways: less sensitivity to color, lowers ability to differentiate light intensity, lower resistance to glaring, narrows vision

17 Effects of Cocaine -Cocaine is a strong stimulant to Central Nervous System -Cocaine may cause anxiety and restlessness -Cocaine causes twitches, tremors, spasms, coordination problems, chest pain, nausea, seizures, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest -Cocaine may cause alertness, watchfulness, impaired judgment, impulsiveness, and repeated actions -Cocaine causes coordination and vision imparities


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