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Demonstrative Pronouns The main difference between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is that the adjective comes before a noun (Quiero.

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstrative Pronouns The main difference between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is that the adjective comes before a noun (Quiero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstrative Pronouns The main difference between a demonstrative adjective and a demonstrative pronoun is that the adjective comes before a noun (Quiero este pan) while the pronoun can stand on its own (Quiero éste). In English, the difference can be characterized in this way: I want that roll. I want that roll. demonstrative adjective I want that. I want that. demonstrative pronoun

2 Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative pronouns take the place of nouns. Demonstrative pronouns take the place of nouns. They agree in gender and number with the noun they replace. They agree in gender and number with the noun they replace. ¿Cuánto cuesta este anillo? ¿Cuánto cuesta este anillo? ¿Cuánto cuesta éste? ¿Cuánto cuesta éste?

3 CloseMasculineFeminine this (one) ésteésta these (ones) éstoséstas Not so close that (one) éseésa those (ones) ésosésas Far away that (one over there) aquélaquélla those (ones over there) aquéllosaquéllas Notice that the demonstrative adjectives and pronouns are exactly the same … except for one small difference: the accent mark.

4 A Note of Caution: Accent Marks As mentioned before, accent marks are very important in Spanish, because a misplaced or missing accent mark can completely change the meaning of a word. For example, think of the words: esta ésta está The first (esta) is an adjective that means this ____ The second (ésta) is a pronoun that means this (one). The third (está) is a verb that means is.

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