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Welcome to Year 6 S.A.T.s Information for Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 6 S.A.T.s Information for Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 6 S.A.T.s Information for Parents

2 When are the SATs? Monday 11th May 2015 English Reading test (Level 6 reading test) Tuesday 12th May 2015 English SPAG test (Level 6 SPAG test) Wednesday 13th May 2015 Mental maths and Paper 1 Thursday 14th May 2015 Maths Paper 2 (Level 6 both maths tests)

3 Level 6 We will use the mock SATs to decide whether your child should be entered for the level 6 test. Please note that if the child doesn’t get level 5a in their maths SAT, they won’t be eligible to achieve level 6.(Even if they get enough points to deserve one!)

4 Where and How? Most pupils will take the test in either the gym or their classroom. Some students will be in small nurture groups if their teacher feels they need this support.

5 Equipment Please try to ensure your child has: A pen that works!
A pencil which has been sharpened An eraser A ruler.

6 How can we prepare at home?
Use the revision booklets and websites suggested tonight. Small bursts of revision are better than ‘cramming’ the night before. Encourage your child and be positive about what they do know. Have early nights. Limit screen time especially before school. Eat a nutritious breakfast. If possible, walk to school.

7 How can we revise? Choose the style that suits you best. Try: 1.Websites which quiz you throughout or at the end. 2.Read and make notes. 3.Ask someone to test you. 4. Set up a revision timetable. Do a bit every night.

8 On Test days Arrive at school on time.
All tests will be done in the morning. Bring the right equipment – pen, pencil, ruler and rubber. Bring a snack for after the test. Have a positive attitude! You know it, so prove it!

9 What to do if your child is unwell.
If your child is ill on the day of the SATs test, you should be aware that they can’t take it another day. Encourage them to come to school and take the test. They can go home straight after the test. If they are ill during the Mock week, they can take the test on their return.

10 Holidays Please avoid taking school holidays during SATs week. They will not be able to take the test on their return. Any holiday booked during SATs week is unauthorised.

11 End of Key Stage Two English Assessments

12 Monday 11th May Reading paper
Children will have a total of one hour to read the texts and complete the questions at their own pace. The booklet will contain three or four texts not linked in themes. The least demanding text will come first with the following texts increasing in level of difficulty. Approximately 35 to 40 questions (totalling 50 marks). shorter, closed response items (such as multiple choice and matching questions) shorter, open response items longer, open response items that require children to explain and comment on the texts in order to demonstrate a full understanding. Questions are worth 1, 2 or 3 marks.

13 The Reading Test

14 Tuesday 12th May S.P.A.G – split in to two papers
Spelling Punctuation And Grammar

15 Paper one short-answer questions, consists of between 40 and 50 questions assessing grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Each question is worth one or two marks with a total for the paper of 50 marks. selected response items (such as multiple choice questions) or short, open response items, in which children may have to write a word, a few words or a sentence.

16 The Punctuation and Grammar Test


18 Paper Two 20 sentences, which are read aloud by a member of staff. Each sentence has a word missing which the child must complete. The task is worth a total of 20 marks.

19 The Spelling Test

20 How to Help Reading: ask opinions about the characters in the text. Ask why your child thinks these things. Discuss why certain words may have been used. For example: bursting out of the box rather than moving out of the box. SPAG: Use the SATs buster homework booklets to revise terms. See next slide. When reading their Star book, ask your child if they can pick out examples of the word classes from a passage or explain the use of punctuation.

21 Revision books you child is using:
These books are for you child to write in and can be kept after SATs. This is a ‘loan’ book to be returned after SATs. We ask pupils NOT to write in here.

22 Maths Assessments Paper A Paper B Mental Maths

23 Wednesday 13th May 2014 Mental maths Paper 1 Thursday 14th May 2014 Paper 2

24 Paper 1 & 2 - The written papers. 45 minutes each.
Start at level 3 and increase in skill and difficulty to level 5. No calculators to be used at all.

25 Match each clock to the correct time.
One has been done for you.

26 Tick two cards that give a total of 5
Circle the number nearest to 1000 Write in the missing digits to make this correct. Tick two cards that give a total of 5

27 A shop sells batteries in packs of four and packs of two.
Simon and Nick want two batteries each. They buy a pack of four and share the cost equally. How much does each pay?

28 ‘Every multiple of 5 ends in 5’
John says, ‘Every multiple of 5 ends in 5’ Is he correct? Circle Yes or No. Yes / No Explain how you know.

29 Tom does a survey of children's favourite breakfast cereals.
These are the results for Class 6 How many more children in Class 6 prefer Choc Grain than Golden Corn?

30 On the grid, draw the reflection of the shape in the mirror line.
You may use a mirror and tracing paper.

31 Mental Maths This test is given by a recording on CD. Once it has started it is not allowed to be stopped. The voice gives all the instructions as well as reading the questions. There are 20 questions, in 3 sections. The first 5 questions have only a 5 second interval; the next set of 10 questions have a 10 second interval and the final set of 5 questions have a 15 second interval. The questions in each set start at level 3 and go up to level 5. Quick calculation skills, requiring secure number facts and a range of mental calculation methods are needed as there is no time do anything more than jot a few things down.

32 What is school doing? Teaching the curriculum to give your child the relevant skills and knowledge. Setting homework that reinforces their learning but also prepares them for the test. Setting revision homework at February half term and the Easter holidays, intended to promote maths skills. Providing small group teaching, either in class or additional sessions for those who are not yet a secure level 4.

33 What can I do? Encourage your child to do their homework and the extra revision. Encourage your child to work out what they have to do for themselves. They need to be able to interpret the question. Encourage them to check what they have read and to make sure what they have done, answers the question. Practise number facts and other life skills such as time, weights and measures. Ensure that your child has the basic equipment: pencil (plus one spare) and pen. Ideally a ruler too. We will supply the rest.

34 Science No national assessment this year.
However, teachers must submit a level for science for every child in year 6.

35 End of Year 6 Level All pupils at The de Montfort School will sit two tests in the Summer term. These are past SATS papers, and will be completed on a computer using a testing web site called Alfie. They will be given a level at the end of the year based on their mark on these papers, plus topic tests and their classwork.

36 Check your child’s progress using Alfie:




40 Achieving a high level in Science – what the school will do.
Revision guides issued next half term. Some topics from first school will be revisited. Science homework will still be set on a regular basis – usually once per week. All children should have a science workbook to use for homework. If not, ask the teacher!

41 Achieving a high level in Science
Selecting the right equipment for different tasks. Making measurements (e.g. lengths, weighing ingredients, temperature). Making predictions (“what do you think will happen if…?”). Fair testing (only change one thing). Reliable results (do three tests and work out the average). Conclusions with ‘er’ words (“the faster the car, the shorter the journey time”). Using scientific vocabulary.





46 Questions. Do you have any questions that are suitable for all?
Do you have any questions you would like to ask any of us individually?

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