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The Grid Method - Multiplication By Harry Maurice And Oliver Amos.

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2 The Grid Method - Multiplication By Harry Maurice And Oliver Amos

3 Why it is useful 1.It is straight forward so if you make a mistake you can see where you went wrong. 2.It is quick and easy. 3.There is not much to slip up on.

4 Starting off X809 100 20 3 89 x 123 First partition each number like this.

5 Where everything goes X809 100 20 3 Now times where the arrows meet (where the dots are). 8000 1600 240 900 180 27

6 Totalling X809 100 8000 900 20 1600 180 3 240 27 = 10947 Now total up all the circled numbers. = = 267 8900 1780 +

7 It’s easy as 1…2…3!!! So just follow these 3 easy steps and you can solve any multiplication (it doesn’t just have to be 2 or 3 digit numbers).

8 We hope you enjoyed our show!!!

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