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Verbs + el infinitive. Infinitives verbs that are not conjugated end in –ar, -er, or -ir.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs + el infinitive. Infinitives verbs that are not conjugated end in –ar, -er, or -ir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs + el infinitive

2 Infinitives verbs that are not conjugated end in –ar, -er, or -ir

3 Some verbs are followed by a preposition + an infinitive prepositions are ALWAYS followed by the infinitive

4 Common prepositions: con—with de—of, from a—to por, para—for en—in, on

5 Common expressions with prepositions: tratar de—try to aprender a—learn to ayudar a—help dejar de—stop soñar con—dream about

6 Common expressions with prepositions: comenzar a—start to insistir en—insist on

7 Remember: You can follow a conjugated verb by an infinitive Debes hacer la tarea. You should do the homework. Pienso ir al cine. I’m planning to go to the movies

8 If a verb is normally followed by the subjunctive, but DOESN’T have a “que” you must use the infinitive Quiero salir contigo esta noche. I want to go out with you tonight.

9 Subjunctive with will or wish UWIERDO

10 If you speak about what you wish or will someone to do… use the subjunctive Mis amigos insisten en que yo vaya a la escuela My friends insist that I go to school.

11 Verbs of wish and will esperar que—to hope that querer que—to wish, to want that desear que—to desire that insistir en que—to insist that necesitar—to need that

12 Verbs of wish and will decir que—to tell someone to pedir que—to ask someone to mandar que—to demand that

13 Verbs of wish and will exigir que—to demand that

14 If there is no “que”… do NOT use the subjunctive Quiero visitar a mis amigos. I want to visit my friends.

15 If there is no change of subject… do NOT use the subjunctive Yo necesito encontrar mi libro. I need to find my book.

16 Subjunctive with negation or denial UWIERDO

17 To negate or deny something… use the subjunctive No es verdad que haya un examen hoy. It’s not true that there’s an exam today.

18 Verbs of negation or denial No es verdad que—it’s not true that No creo que—I don’t think that No es cierto que—It’s not true that

19 Verbs of negation or denial negar que—to deny that no estar de acuerdo que—to not agree that

20 No negation, no subjunctive! es verdad que + indicative creo que + indicative es cierto que + indicative es verdad que hay un examen hoy.

21 Future tense

22 Formation of future tense keep infinitive add endings é ás á emos án

23 Example: hablar hablaré hablarás hablará hablaremos hablarán

24 -ar, -er, and –ir verbs… all have the same endings!

25 Irregular stems: caber—cabr- decir—dir haber— habr- hacer--har poder—podr- saber—sabr- salir—saldr- tener—tendr-

26 Irregular stems: valer—valdr- venir— vendr-

27 Future tense can also express probability Tendremos mucha tarea esta noche. We will (probably) have a lot of homework tonight.

28 Future of estar + gerundio also expresses probability Los niños estarán comiendo el desayundo. The children will probably be eating breakfast.

29 Conditional tense

30 The conditional is used to… say what you “would” do or “could” do

31 Formation of condtional tense keep infinitive add endings—¡déjà vu! ía ías ía íamos ían

32 Example: hablar hablaría hablarías hablaría hablaríamos hablarían

33 -ar, -er, and –ir verbs… all have the same endings! Déjà vu!

34 Irregular stems: caber—cabr- decir—dir haber— habre hacer--har poder—podr- saber—sabr- salir—saldr- tener—tendr-

35 Irregular stems: Valer—valdr- Venir— vendr-

36 The following expressions are often used with the conditional…. Si yo fuera…+ conditional Si tú fueras…+ conditional Si yo tuviera…+ conditional Si tú tuvieras… + conditional Si yo pudiera…+ conditional Si tú pudieras + conditional

37 The following expressions are often used with the conditional…. Si yo fuera el presidente, yo viviría en la Casa Blanca. If I were the president, I would live in the White House

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