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Day 1 Punctuation and Capitalization

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1 Day 1 Punctuation and Capitalization
DGP – Sentence 7 Day 1 Punctuation and Capitalization

2 Sentence the southside baptist church spon soared a festive my mother bought some french pastries they’re Word Bank: capital letter (5) semicolon(1) period (1)

3 Discuss and Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you punctuated and capitalized the sentence the same way.

4 Correct Answer Capital Letter Capital Letter Capital Letter The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. Capital Letter Semicolon Capital Letter Period

5 Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned…

6 DGP – Sentence 7 Day 2 Parts of Speech

7 Sentence The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. Word Bank: Noun (1), noun (3), possessive pronoun (1), action verb (2), adjective (1), proper adjective (1), adverb (1), article (2)

8 Ex. “I labeled ________ as a noun because __________.”
Discuss and Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified words the same way. Ex. “I labeled ________ as a noun because __________.”

9 Correct Answer N art The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. n 1 poss pro n av/past art av/past adj Adj n adv

10 Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned…

11 Day 3 Sentence Parts and Phrases
DGP – Sentence 7 Day 3 Sentence Parts and Phrases

12 Simple subject (2), transitive verb (2), direct object (2)
Sentence The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. Word Bank: Simple subject (2), transitive verb (2), direct object (2)

13 Ex. “I labeled ________ as a subject because __________.”
Discuss and Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified parts and phrases the same. Ex. “I labeled ________ as a subject because __________.”

14 Correct Answer S The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. vt do S vt do

15 Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned…

16 Day 4 Clauses and Sentence Types
DGP – Sentence 7 Day 4 Clauses and Sentence Types

17 Independent clause, sentence type, and sentence purpose
The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival; my mother bought some French pastries there. Word Bank: Independent clause, sentence type, and sentence purpose

18 Ex. “I thought the independent clause was ____, because…”
Discuss and Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the same way. Ex. “I thought the independent clause was ____, because…”

19 Correct Answer [The Southside Baptist Church sponsored a festival]; [my mother bought some French pastries there.] ind cl ind cl Compound/ Declarative

20 Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned…

21 Day 5 Diagram the Sentence
DGP – Sentence 7 Day 5 Diagram the Sentence

22 Sentence Diagram

23 Completed Sentence Diagram
Southside Baptist Church sponsored festival a The mother bought pastries some French my there

24 Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned…

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