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Chapter 5 Lesson 2 “Struggle For Freedom” p. 148-151 EQ: Why did increased tensions between the North and the South lead to war?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Lesson 2 “Struggle For Freedom” p. 148-151 EQ: Why did increased tensions between the North and the South lead to war?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Lesson 2 “Struggle For Freedom” p. 148-151 EQ: Why did increased tensions between the North and the South lead to war?

2 Vocabulary Preview  Abolitionist: someone who joined the movement to abolish (or end )slavery  Discrimination: unfair treatment of particular groups  Underground Railroad: a series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South

3 Build on what you know  Think about how important freedom is to you.  In the early 1800s, not all people in the United States were free.  Many lived in slavery and struggled to win freedom, with help from the antislavery movement.

4 Antislavery Movement  People couldn’t agree on the issue of slavery.  Some felt that slavery was needed to grow cash crops (like cotton & tobacco).  As cotton farming spread in the South, they wanted slavery to spread too.  Other people felt it was wrong to enslave people.

5 Antislavery Movement  People who wanted to abolish slavery, were called abolitionists.  Most people thought slavery went against their religion.  Abolitionists included people from both the North and South (included: men, women, whites, and free blacks).  They wrote pamphlets and traveled across the country to speak against slavery.

6 Primary Source  Some enslaved people had to wear tags to tell what they did and where they lived. What state is stamped on these tags?

7 Leading Abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison “I will not retreat a single inch- AND I WILL BE HEARD” Fredrick Douglass After escaping to the North, Douglass raised enough money to buy his freedom. Sojourner Truth When she preached against slavery, she attracted large crowds.

8  1831: William Lloyd Garrison began printing an antislavery newspaper called “The Liberator”. He demanded that all enslaved people be free  Fredrick Douglass : was a black abolitionists. He had escaped from slavery. He was a writer and spoke to white audiences about slavery.  Sojourner Truth: born into slavery. Truth spoke in favor or abolition and women’s rights.

9 Fredrick Douglass Sojourner Truth William Lloyd Garrison ABOLITIONISTS

10 Free Blacks in the South  By 1860, about 500,000 free black lived in the US. About half lived in the North, half in the South.  Free blacks often faced discrimination: unfair treatment of particular groups.  State laws limited the rights of free blacks (ex. Couldn’t travel without permission)

11 Free Blacks in the North  African Americans in the North also faced discrimination. However, they could travel freely, organize groups, and publish newspapers.  These rights made it possible for free blacks to work openly about slavery.  Free blacks joined whites in creating the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833.  This group fought for the end of slavery. Many free blacks gave money to the group.

12 Table Talk  When did the abolitionist movement grow quickly?  In the 1830s and 1840s What did William Lloyd Garrison do in 1831? Printed the Liberator, an antislavery newspaper

13 Barefoot Barefoot: Escape on the Underground Railroad by: Pamela Duncan Edwards

14 Underground Railroad Turn to page 150

15 Underground Railroad  Abolitionists worked in secret to help slaves escape to freedom. They set up a system called the Underground Railroad : a series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South.  Runaway, the people who fled slavery, could head to the NORTH and CANADA, or go south to FLORIDA or the CARRIBEAN.  Runaways walked at night. They hid in carts driven by members of the Railroad.

16 Stations and Conductors  Free blacks gave most of the money because they did most of the work to support the railroad.  Members gave food, clothing, and medical aids to runaways. They hid them until it was safe to move on.  Hiding places were known as “stations”.  “Conductors” guided runaways on to the next station.

17 Harriet Tubman  Harriet Tubman was the most famous conductor, who escaped from slavery in Maryland.  She then returned 19 times to lead others to freedom.  Each time, she risked being caught and enslaved again. Tubman helped about 300 people escape to the North.  She became a symbol of the abolitionist movement.


19 What does this quote mean to you? “Follow the Drinking Gourd” Now that you listened to the song, what do you think this quote means now?

20 Underground Railroad  VIDEO VIDEO ?Ntt=underground+railroad&N=18340&N=18 341  Interactive activity with the railroad education/multimedia/interactive/the- underground-railroad/?ar_a=1

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