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Choo We loved to play outside and make a train line. Come on Abu-Baker step on it!

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3 Choo We loved to play outside and make a train line. Come on Abu-Baker step on it!

4 Twinkle, twinkle little star... How I wonder what you are

5 5 little speckled frogs sat on a speckled log! Miss Beck has worked with us since we were little kids!


7 Look Miss we made glasses

8 We loved Christmas time in Reception class! Now where did that chocolate Krispie go?

9 I love chocolate Krispies Christmas time was really special in reception class, we got to decorate the tree and have a party! Thank you Miss Auty and Miss Beck for all the fun we had!


11 Just a typical day in Year 3 Mr Smith just loved to dress up! Hocus Pocus, I do love these World Book days it brings the best out in us Year 3

12 I loved having fun in the park at Addingham when we were in Year 5

13 I really enjoyed playing musical instruments with Mrs Davis and getting ready for our Prom

14 We loved IPC we got to make our own bridges! Thanks Year 5

15 Right kids you have to take me seriously now I’m a Policeman! Mr Smith is a funny man, he has made us all laugh this last year!

16 We enjoyed saying goodbye to Mr Smith (Pie in the face style)

17 Noooo Miss Beck don’t you dare take my picture! Too late Shuaib she took it now you’ll have to wash up all the time! Haha


19 I loved our trip to Marley and I will never forget it.

20 We will always remember Mr Smith’s favourite band the Beatles Fab Four becomes Fab Five!

21 We are going to miss you very much Victoria Primary We had lots of fun in our lessons! We had lots of fun in our lessons! Mrs Garnett and Miss Beck always made us laugh

22 I will miss you from Shuai b p.s I am in Pakistan, oh yeh I’m on a diet it’s easy it just happens by itself in Pakistan.

23 Give us a shout when you need these. Mrs Garnett and Miss Beck can you work out this maths sum

24 I wonder what will happen to Mr Smith and Mrs Martin When we leave? Party time Mr Smith?

25 These are our best teachers. They make us laugh and have helped us achieve lot’s of things! (we can’t name everything because we’re to lazy and there are lots of things too.)

26 I’m excited about making new friends I’m nervous about going to UAK! I enjoyed it when we did the house project in year 6 and I’ll miss the fun things we did! At the moment I’m feeling worried! It was really nice to come to Victoria Primary school and I’m upset I’m leaving! I’m excited to go to my new school! It’s been a lot of fun and I’ll miss all of you! I feel very excited! I’m very upset to leave this school! I’m kind of excited about going to UAK! I’m upset about leaving this school! I’m a little bit worried but excited at the same time! I’ve really enjoyed being at this school! I feel positive about starting my new school! It was fantastic being a pupil at Victoria and all the teachers were helpful! I’m really nervous about the new teachers and not knowing everyone! I’m really going to miss my friends! I was obviously excited that’s why I’ve already left! I’m looking forward to doing Maths but I will miss the teachers! I’m going to miss all the teachers but I’m looking forward to my new school! I’ll miss the teachers but I’m looking forward to meeting my new ones! I’m excited I’m finally going to high school but I’ll miss the teachers! I’m excited and scared about moving to my new school! I’ll miss the teachers and the PE lessons! I’m excited about moving to my new school because it’ll be a lot different from primary school! Although I’ll miss these teachers! I’m quite excited but a bit nervous! I’ll miss all of the teacher!

27 I’m excited to go to Holy Family it was exciting here and I hope it is there, I’ll miss all of the teachers ! I’m looking forward to the different sports and making new friends! I feel happy but nervous as well because I don’t know if I’ll make new friends! I can’t wait to use busen burners! Hasnain Hashim I’m so excited about staring my new school! Although, I’m scared because I might get lost! I’m happy! I can’t wait to play with my cousins but I will miss this place!

28 I’m happy and excited about my new school! I’ve already made new friends! I feel a little bit nervous and also quite excited! I really enjoyed my time here! I feeling so excited because of the new challenges I’ll face! I’ll miss this school!

29 I’m going to miss all of the teachers. I’ve really enjoyed coming to this school and I’ve achieved a lot! I’m excited about secondary school ! I feel sad because I’ll miss all of the great lessons!

30 I’m looking forward to secondary school and I feel really confident!

31 When I get older I want to be a teacher because I can spend time with little children!





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