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Support individual health and emotional wellbeing CHCICS303A.

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Presentation on theme: "Support individual health and emotional wellbeing CHCICS303A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support individual health and emotional wellbeing CHCICS303A

2 Supporting a clients emotional and psychosocial wellbeing a clients physical condition impacts on overall wellbeing so does emotional, psychological and social health affect a clients wellbeing.

3 Maslow's hierarchy of needs

4 Emotional & psychological needs Freedom from: - fear - anger - loneliness - guilt - anxiety - undue stress  sense of control  Self esteem, belonging & identity  Accepting loss  Dealing with pain  Working through the grieving process  Accepting death  Dealing with illness & disease  Security & contentment  Accepting life stage

5 Promoting self esteem  Promoting a clients:  Choice  Independence  Valuing the client  Dignity  Focus on strengths and positives  Support client to maintain physical appearances.


7 Identifying variations in a clients emotional wellbeing Baseline so that changes can be recognised, changes may include:  Mood swings, anger, erratic behaviour, self harm,  complaints of poor health, interest in suicide,  increased substance abuse, risk taking behaviours,  withdrawal.  Follow p & p of facility in Management of a client with behaviour changes and emotional variations.

8 Understanding a clients cultural and spiritual preference  There are more than 200 languages spoken in Australia  over 15% of Australians speak a language other than English.  Individual cultural, religious and spiritual needs are to be appreciated to promote wellbeing.

9 Cultural & spiritual p erspec tives  Working a culturally appropriate manner & follow P & P’s.  The following issues vary according to preferences:  physical & eye contact  contacting family members  dealing with deceased  food preferences  dress  asking for help  spiritual desires and needs.

10 Communication  Needs to be culturally sensitive  Show understanding and empathy  Equality  Language that can be understood or interpreting services accessed  Respect differing communication practice- shake hands/ bow/ nod....  Celebrations and ceremonies to be promoted  Information and network access

11 Create a suitable environment  Encourage clients to maintain their environment: Support and services to assist with cleanliness, repairs, condition of furniture and fittings photos of family and friends to be displayed  Assist clients to feel safe and secure -the clients perception of comfort and security be considered, respected and supported. Funding & referral maybe required- always practice within scope of practice.

12 Identifying hazards  Identifying hazards is an essential part of our role and the finding s to be reported to your supervisor.  OHS p & p will direct the management of your findings within a clients dwelling.  Use aids to promote safe and comfortable wellbeing in care delivery and with promoting independence with ADLs.  Promotion of support services within the community is part of our role.

13 Supporting routines & customs  Sleep patterns  Meal choices  Daily rituals  Customs  Life choices Care plans developed with consideration to each client.

14 Understanding clients and their sexuality  awareness of how a clients circumstances can impact their sexuality.  Acknowledge the impact society and community values has on sexuality for disabled and aged persons

15  Tolerant of a clients sexuality  Support expression of sexuality  Respect spiritual expressions of sexuality  Recognise unmet needs about sexuality & identity.

16 Sexuality  Involves sexual thoughts, feelings, emotions, preferences, boundaries and actions.  Sexuality does not disappear with age  Barriers about aged and people with disabilities such as community  attitudes need to be removed.  Peoples sexual preferences and choices need to be respected as long as no one is harmed.  Cognitive impairments can cause inappropriate sexual behaviours which may need monitoring or diverting.

17 Documentation  Follow policy and procedures of facility  Examples include- care plans, incident and accident reports, health assessments, client personal profiles/ history forms.  Key points in documenting: - Objective & factual - Timely - Confidentiality - Language, jargons & abbreviations - Spelling - Legible/ no white out - Records signed, dated, name & designation clearly written - Re- read your entry to ensure what you have written is what you intended to write.

18 Internal documents  P & p manuals  Timesheets  OHS safety lists  Performance appraisals  Funding and grant submissions  In filing & storing documents- abide by privacy laws

19 References  Aspire learning resource (2009)  Aged Care in Australia ; a guide for care workers ( course Text book)   hing.nsf/Content/ageing+in+place hing.nsf/Content/ageing+in+place

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