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Instructions: Developing a Presentation for Communicating with Staff This PowerPoint template is meant to serve as a starting point for the development.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions: Developing a Presentation for Communicating with Staff This PowerPoint template is meant to serve as a starting point for the development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions: Developing a Presentation for Communicating with Staff This PowerPoint template is meant to serve as a starting point for the development of a presentation to introduce the PCMH and the NCQA PPC- PCMH recognition program to the entire staff of your health center. You should feel free to customize as you see fit. A few guidelines for using this template:  Some slides are completely filled in while others have headers and a set of instructions. Slides that present information useful to all organizations have been completed for you. Other slides are organization-specific, and must be completed by you or by a team member.  Be sure to make any changes to the slides that you feel are necessary in order to better address the needs of your organization. This slide set offers a suggested template for your presentation. Delete, add, and/or reorganize slides in a manner that will enable you to communicate your points most effectively to your audience.  Refer to the manual when developing your presentation. Section 3 of the manual contains tips and guidelines to consider when developing your presentation. Other sections in the manual will also serve as useful resources for you, and we refer you to these sections as appropriate.

2 Understanding the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and the NCQA PPC-PCMH Recognition Process An Introduction for Staff

3 What is the PCMH? A PCMH puts patients at the center of the health care system, and provides primary care that is “accessible, continuous, comprehensive,family-centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective.” (American Academy of Pediatrics)

4 Joint Principles of the PCMH Adopted by AAFP, ACP, AAP, AOA: Personal Physician Physician Directed Medical Practice Whole Person Orientation Care is Coordinated and Integrated Quality and Safety are Hallmarks Enhanced Access Payment Reform

5 PCMH & > Instructions: Describe how the principles of the PCMH align with your health center’s mission, vision, and strategic goals. Connect the PCMH with other quality improvement initiatives your health center may have participated in the past. Make sure to emphasize that the PCMH is an important next step in your health center’s ongoing commitment to improving the quality of care, for the benefit of all your patients. Refer to Section 1 for more information on the PCMH. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

6 National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the PCMH NCQA developed a set of standards and a 3-tiered recognition process (Physician Practice Connections – Patient-Centered Medical Home (PPC-PCMH) program) to assess the extent to which health care organizations are functioning as medical home Obtaining recognition via the PPC-PCMH programs requires completing an application and providing adequate documentation to show evidence that specific processes and policies are in place Recognition is offered at three levels:  Level 1 – basic  Level 2 – intermediate  Level 3 – advanced

7 Overview of NCQA PPC-PCMH Recognition Program 9 standards, 7 of which contain “must- pass” elements 30 elements, 10 of which are “must-pass” Each element contains a series of factors upon which your final score will be based


9 NCQA Scoring Methodology LevelPointsMust-Pass Elements Level 125-49 5 of 10, with a performance level of at least 50% Level 250-74 10 of 10, with a performance level of at least 50% Level 375-100 10 of 10, with a performance level of at least 50%

10 Rationale for Obtaining PCMH Recognition Instructions: Reiterate how the PCMH model of care delivery aligns with your organization’s strategic plan, with projects your health center is already involved in, and with the services your health center already provides. Also, describe how the PCMH has been found to be associated with improvement in quality, equity and staff/provider satisfaction; has the potential for enhanced reimbursement from payors; and has the potential to reduce overall health care costs. Refer to Section 2 for more information on the benefits of the PCMH model of care delivery. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

11 Goal in Seeking Recognition Instructions: Describe your health center’s goal in obtaining PCMH recognition. We recommend including the level of recognition you hope to obtain (1, 2, or 3) alongside a vision of what you hope your health center will look like, particularly from the perspective of the patient, at the end of your journey. Refer to Section 4 for more information on goal-setting. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

12 Timeline & Approach Instructions: Provide an overview of your timeline for obtaining recognition (e.g., 9 months) as well as key milestones to achieve along the way. Be as specific as possible, including what will be accomplished by when. Describe your approach for achieving your goal (e.g., “We will develop a PCMH project team with representation from the clinical, administrative and clinical informatics departments. Team members will be allocated 4 hours of protected time weekly to meet & to carry out project-related work.”). Make sure to specify the resources (e.g., staff, time, technology) it will take to achieve milestones and goals. Refer to Section 2 for more information on what it will take to obtain recognition and Section 5 for more information on factors to consider in designing your PCMH project team. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

13 What will it take? Instructions: Describe the resources you plan to dedicate to this initiative as well as any investments you will make (e.g., purchasing new systems, hiring external assistance) for it to ensure its success. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

14 Roles & Responsibilities Instructions: Describe the role and responsibilities of all staff. Make sure to include the members of the PCMH Project Team. Consider describing the roles and responsibilities of other staff by titles (e.g., providers, front-desk staff, nurses, MAs, etc.), and be sure to include everyone in the health center. Refer to Section 5 for more information on the PCMH Project Team. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

15 What will it mean for me? Instructions: Depending on your starting point and goal, obtaining PCMH recognition could mean shifting roles and responsibilities, redesigning major processes and implementing new systems. Think about the changes you anticipate occurring during this process and describe the impacts it will have on staff. Bear in mind, not all changes may be viewed as positive and these viewpoints are likely to vary among the staff. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

16 Next Steps Instructions: Describe the next several milestones you plan to achieve. Where possible, include who will be doing what and by when to help keep the momentum going. Also, make sure to describe your plan for ongoing communication regarding the initiative including where, when, how and what you’ll share. (delete these instructions and type your response by clicking on “Click to add text.”)

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