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PATIENT SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE July 2011. Special Acknowledgments  Tanya Ekomiak and Erin Noseworthy our Administrative Interns for their diligence.

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Presentation on theme: "PATIENT SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE July 2011. Special Acknowledgments  Tanya Ekomiak and Erin Noseworthy our Administrative Interns for their diligence."— Presentation transcript:


2 Special Acknowledgments  Tanya Ekomiak and Erin Noseworthy our Administrative Interns for their diligence and creativity in developing the survey and reports  FedNor for providing the funding to hire the Administrative Assistants  Pierre Ozolins for his assistance in developing the questionnaire and guidance during the process  The patients that agreed to participate in the survey

3 Background Data Summary of Demographics Quality of Care Section Procedures Section Cleanliness/Dietary/Accessibility/Fees Section Overall Satisfaction with Quality of Service Section Compliments and Concerns CONTENTS

4 Patients selected from 2009/2010 HIS Removed duplicates & patients with missing data Final data set (n) = 9,880 Sample = 2,718 1,000 or 37% patients agreed to participate Erin Noseworthy completed initial calls in 2010 Tanya Ekomiak completed follow-up calls in 2011 BACKGROUND DATA DepartmentTotalSample Size Total Surveyed % (survey/size) Emergency263687829534% Inpatient100 1313% Clinics (Including specialists, diabetes clinic, physiotherapy, chemo therapy, etc) 234278030940% Day Surgery/Lab/Diagnostic Imaging480296038340% Grand Total98802718100036.8%

5 Of the 1,000 participants 42% were male & 58% were female Participants were divided into 9 different age groups: N/A, 81-100, 71-80, 61-70, 51-60, 41-50, 31-40, 21-30, & 0-20 years of age The 61-70 cohort, with 268 participants, had the highest participation rate The distribution of responses by age group is fairly consistent with Elliot Lake’s demographics, 74% of the participants were over 50 SUMMARY OF DEMOGRAPHICS N/A1910- 1929 (81-100) 1930- 1939 (71-80) 1940- 1949 (61-70) 1950- 1959 (51-60) 1960- 1969 (41-50) 1970- 1979 (31-40) 1980- 1989 (21-30) 1990- 2010 (0-20) MFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMF Totals 28353710913310816065893059133110194448 107224226815489442992 Total Male: 416Total Female: 584 Grand Total: 1000

6 Age Characteristics of SJGHEL Age Characteristics of Elliot Lake

7 Department Most Recently Visited by Gender Emergency had 420 visits, 62% female – 38% male Specialists had 127 visits, 52% female – 48% male Day Surgery had 125 visits, 59% female – 41% male

8 The 61-70 cohort were our most frequent visitors at 268 visits –Emergency Department: 90 of 420 visits - 21% of total –Specialists’ Clinic: 40 of 127 visits - 31% of total –Day Surgery: 37 of 125 visits - 30% of total –Surgeon’s Clinic: 36 of 78 visits - 46% of total –X-Ray: 24 of 69 visits - 35% of total The 71-80 age group, with 242 visits, was the group with the 2 nd highest number of visits –Physiotherapy: 2 or 4 visits - 50% of total –Laboratory: 22 of 67 visits - 33% of total –3 rd Floor: 17 of 45 admissions - 38% of total –Dietary Counseling: 3 of 3 visits - 100% of total –1 st Floor: 4 of 6 admissions - 67% of total The 21-30 years of age patients accounted for 3 of 7 Obstetric admissions - 43% of total Department Most Recently Visited by Age Group

9 The 51-60 year old patients represented 50% of the Chemotherapy patients surveyed with 3 of the 6 patients The following departments had visits from the following cohorts: –Speech Therapy: 1 visit each from 0-20 & 71-80 cohorts - 100% of total –ICU: 8 of 26 admissions each from 61-70 & 71-80 cohorts - 62% of total –Diabetes Outreach Clinic: evenly distributed 4 visits from the 51-60 cohort & 5 visits each from the 61-70 & 71-80 age groups - 93% of total

10 QUALITY OF CARE The overall score of 91.7% implies that SJGHEL excelled in providing quality of care Total Positive Score8052 n size for 1-7b8777 % Positive Score91.7% Statement PS% 4c. Other health care professionals treated me with dignity and respect97.0% 6. My privacy was respect96.9% 2. Admitting staff were courteous, and treated me with dignity and respect96.5% 4b. The doctors treated me with dignity and respect95.9% 4a. The nurses treated me with dignity and respect95.8% 7b. The services provided to me through pastoral care met my needs related to my visit92.5% 5. I felt my concerns were heard, and I received answers to my questions90.3% 1. I was cared for promptly in the Admitting Department90.2% 3a. The wait time to see a nurse was acceptable87.9% 3b. The wait time to see my doctor was acceptable78.1% 7a. In the event that I required the services of pastoral/spiritual care, I was adequately informed of these services76.6%

11 WHERE WE EXCEL IN QUALITY OF CARE: Other health care professionals (x-ray/lab technicians, dietitians, chiropodist, physiotherapists, etc) excelled in treating patients with dignity and respect (97%) SJGHEL exceeded in respecting patient privacy (96.9%) Admitting staff were courteous and excelled in treating patients with dignity and respect (96.5%) Doctors excelled in treating patients with dignity and respect (95.9%) Nurses excelled in treating patients with dignity and respect (95.8%) Pastoral Care exceeded meeting the needs of patients (92.5%) The hospital excelled in addressing patient concerns and in providing answers to their questions (90.3%) Admitting Department excelled in caring for patients promptly (90.2%) AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Shorten the wait-time to see a doctor (78.1%) Provide better information on Pastoral Care services that we provide (76.6%)

12 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY GENDER: Male: –Their 97.6% score indicates that SJGHEL excelled in respecting their privacy –Their 77.3% score demonstrates that the hospital needs to improve on the wait time to see a doctor Female: –Their 96.7% score indicates that other health care professionals excelled in treating them with dignity and respect –Their 74.4% score suggests that the hospital can improve on the information we provide to patients about the pastoral/spiritual care services offered

13 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY AGE GROUP: The 61-70 year old patients had a score of 94.1% which implies that SJGHEL excelled in providing them quality of care However, the 21-30 age group were less satisfied with the quality of care they received with a score of 83.5% which is good, “but” since many of these respondents commented on their experience related to their children we need do more research to see what we can do to address their concerns

14 PROCEDURES Total Positive Score2695 n size for 9-123188 % Positive Score84.5% The overall score of 84.5% exemplifies respondents’ satisfaction with the procedures that they received 8. I had pain while in the hospital (True/False)True: 50.7%False: 49.3% Statement PS% 10a. For any procedures or tests that were recommended to me related to my health care issue, I was informed of any risks associated with the procedure, and if applicable, signed a consent form 86.0% 12. I was provided with follow up, or discharge instructions, related to my visit, and was advised of steps to take, or who to contact, if my symptoms persisted, resumed, or worsened. 86.0% 9. If I had pain while at the hospital, hospital staff did everything they could to control my pain85.5% 11. When prescribed medication, I was informed how the medication worked and possible side effects in a manner that I understood 83.2% 10b. For any procedures or tests that I had completed at the hospital, I was informed of when I could expect results back, of if I was given my results back at the time of the visit, the results were explained to me in a way I could understand 82.0%

15 OVERVIEW OF RESPONSES TO QUESTION 8: Question 8, “I had pain while in the hospital”, is a true/false question; thus, a positive score percentage is not suitable for the responses. In total, 50.7% reported having pain; 51.4% of males reported pain and 50.2% of females had pain Males believe the hospital staff excelled in controlling their pain (90.6%) Females were less satisfied with their pain management (81.8%) Therefore, a notable area of improvement lies in increasing satisfaction among female patients in regards to pain management

16 The 61-70 age group reported having pain most frequently, males with 24.9% and females with 24.3% AREAS FOR IMPROVING PAIN MANAGEMENT: Location of parking in relation to the main entrance (painful to walk) Increase availability to Physiotherapy (Knee and Hip Replacements) Improve access to Emergency Department & Physicians at night Reduce wait times in Emergency & other departments

17 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY GENDER: Females’ highest score of 84.6% indicates their level of contentment about being informed of any risks associated with their procedures Males’ lowest score of 81.1% demonstrates less satisfaction with being informed of when they could expect results back

18 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY AGE GROUP: The 61-70 cohort had a score of 88.7% which illustrates their satisfaction with their procedures or tests In contrast, the 31-40 age group was less satisfied at 76.8%; further research is required to determine the underlying issues

19 CLEANLINESS/DIETARY/ ACCESSIBLITY/FEES Total Positive Score2494 n size for 13-172860 % Positive Score87.2% The overall score of 87.2% shows that respondents are satisfied with these areas Statement PS% 13. The areas of the hospital I was in were clean96.3% 17. Where fees applied, they were reasonable in relation to what other hospitals charge for similar services 88.5% 16. Where fees applied, I was informed of them in advance86.3% 14. The food served to me was enjoyable79.1% 15. Parking facilities enabled me to access the hospital without undue effort78.8%

20 WHERE WE EXCEL IN CLEANLINESS/DIETARY/ACCESSIBLITIY/ FEES: Providing a clean hospital (96.3%) AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Serving enjoyable food (79.1%) Parking facilities that enable patients to access the hospital without undue effort (78.8%)

21 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY GENDER: Male: –Their 95.9% score signifies that SJGHEL excelled in cleanliness –Their 77.1% score demonstrates that the food served to them needs to be improved Female: –Their 96.6% score reaffirms that SJGHEL excelled in cleanliness –Their 78.7% score indicates that the parking facilities need to be improved

22 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY AGE GROUP: Respondents between the ages of 81-100 had the highest score in this part of the survey at 89.9% The 41-50 year olds were the least satisfied at 81.1%

23 OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH QUALITY OF SERVICE Total Positive Score2754 n size for 18-202977 % Positive Score92.5% The overall score of 92.5% verifies that SJGHEL excelled in providing overall satisfaction to their patients in regards to the quality of service that they received Statement PS% 20. I would speak positively of St. Joseph’s General Hospital to my family and friends94.2% 19. Overall, I was pleased with the service I received from St. Joseph’s General Hospital93.4% 18. The health care issue that brought me to the hospital was addressed to my satisfaction89.9%

24 WHERE WE EXCEL IN OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH THE QUALITY OF SERVICE: Patients would speak positively of SJGHEL to family and friends (94.2%); more male respondents (94.9%) than females (93.6%) Patients were pleased with the service they received from SJGHEL (93.4%); more male respondents (94.2%) than females (92.8%) Addressing male patients’ health care issue to their satisfaction (91.2%) The top five cohorts to visit the hospital represent the majority of our market and were very satisfied with the services we provide: A score of 94.9% for patients 61-70 years of age A score of 94.1% for patients 51-60 years of age A score of 93.6% for patients 71-80 years of age A score of 90.9% for patients 41-50 years of age A score of 90.7% for patients 81-100 years of age

25 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY GENDER: For each statement, it is evident that males are slightly more satisfied than their female counterparts Males’ satisfaction score of 94.9%, and females’ scoring at 93.6%, indicates that both genders would speak positively of SJGHEL to family and friends Males’ score of 91.2% reveals that the hospital excelled in addressing their health care issue to their satisfaction While females were slightly less satisfied in addressing their health care issue with a score of 89.0%

26 PERCENTAGE POSITIVE SCORE BY AGE GROUP: Respondents 61-70 years of age have a score of 94.9% which implies that SJGHEL excelled in providing them with an overall satisfaction with the quality of service The 21-30 year olds display less satisfaction with a score of 87.2%

27 COMPLIMENTS and CONCERNS Respondents provided a total of 1,326 compliments and concerns regarding their most recent hospital visit. The following table demonstrates the total number of compliments and concerns along with percentages. More concerns were expressed by respondents with a total of 918, or 69.2% Total% Compliments40830.8 Concerns91869.2 Total1326100

28 COMPLIMENTS Every patient who responded to the survey was asked if they “would like to share any further comments in regards to any exceptional staff or services that were provided to them during their most recent visit?” For analysis purposes, their responses were later categorized into themes. Our top compliments include providing patients with what they acknowledge as a great hospital (16.7%), providing good service (11.5%), and treating patients well (10.3%)

29 Compliment CategoryTotal% Great hospital6816.7 Good service4711.5 Treated patient well4210.3 Good experience/Good care358.6 Doctors327.8 Staff327.8 Satisfied/Pleased with visit266.4 Specified staff (broken down below) 235.6 ER/ICU/3 rd Floor/Chemo122.9 Lab/X-Ray/Physiotherapy61.5 Administration30.7 Admitting20.5 Nurses215.1 Good wait times184.4 Maintenance/Well kept/Cleanliness184.4 Lucky to have hospital here153.7 Friendliness of staff153.7 Would recommend hospital92.2 Dietary enjoyment51.2 Parking facilities20.5 Total40899.9


31 CONCERNS Every patient who responded to the survey was asked to “check any concerns that they may have in regards to their most recent visit” along with any other concerns they would like to express. The following statements were provided to every respondent: - Location of parking in relation to the main entrance to the hospital- Appointment scheduling - Access into the building- Patient monitoring by nurses - Access to services within the building- Friendliness of staff They were then asked if they had any additional concerns they would like to express. For analysis purposes, their responses were later categorized into themes. Our area for improvement is the location of parking in relation to the main entrance to the hospital which has 260 concerns, or 28.3%. Additionally, there is a total of 11.7% of further concerns regarding the parking facilities which equals a total of 40% of the concerns pertaining to the parking

32 Concern CategoryTotal% Location of parking in relation to the main entrance to the hospital26028.3 Parking facilities (broken down below) 10811.7 Better parking facilities353.8 Too many doctor/handicap parking/not enough regular parking at the front272.9 Not enough handicap parking242.6 Parking fees222.4 Access into the building869.4 Appointment scheduling697.5 Patient monitoring by nurses616.6 Wait times545.9 Access to services within the building485.2 Friendliness of staff434.7 Doctors384.1 Admitting/Triage313.4 Nurses293.2 Lacking equipment/staff192.1 Cleanliness/Update161.7 Staff131.4 Signs111.2 Dietary111.2 Other70.8 Not given results back60.7 Treatment of senior patients40.4 Smoking in non-smoking areas40.4 Total91899.9



35 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPORT? St. Joseph’s General Hospital Elliot Lake commissioned the SJGHEL Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire to provide patients the opportunity to give their view on the services we provide. This important information about organization strengths and areas of improvement help us to take action and drive quality improvement within the organization so that we may better serve the community of Elliot Lake and surrounding catchment area. Mike Hukezalie, the CEO of SJGHEL, arranged for the survey to be completed. Tanya Ekomiak and Erin Noseworthy, the administrative interns at St. Joseph’s General Hospital Elliot Lake, conducted the surveys through telephone interviews. Tanya Ekomiak assembled the results and wrote the final report. Contact information: St. Joseph’s General Hospital, Elliot Lake 70 Spine Road Elliot Lake, Ontario P5A 1X2 Phone: (705) 848-7181 or (705) 848-7182 Mike Hukezalie: ext. 2420 Tanya Ekomiak: ext. 2255

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