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Organization of the Upper Limb

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1 Organization of the Upper Limb
Robert S. Staron, Ph.D. August Immersion

2 Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy 8th ed
Grant’s Atlas 8th ed Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy 8th ed

3 Antr division: flexor comp. Postr division: ext comp.
Netter’s Atlas of Human Embry 2002

4 Origin of Limb Muscles Dorsal muscle mass forms extensors and supinators in upper limb, extensors and abductors in lower limb. Ventral muscle mass forms flexors and pronators in upper limb and flexors and adductors in lower limb. Morphogenesis guided by CT, not myoblasts Split into individual muscles, cell death involved Carlson l999 Human Embryology Larsen 1993

5 Hollinshead’s Textbook of Anatomy 5th ed

6 Grant’s Dissector 13th ed

7 Brachial Plexus Netter’s Atlas 2nd ed

8 Extrinsic shoulder mm. Intrinsic shoulder mm. trapezius m.
latissimus dorsi m. levator scapulae m. rhomboideus major m. rhomboideus minor m. serratus anterior m. infraspinatus m. supraspinatus m. subscapularis m. teres minor m. teres major m. deltoid m. Anterior thorax mm. 1) pectoralis major and minor mm. 2) subclavius m.

9 Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

10 rotator cuff musculature
Netter’s Atlas 2nd ed

11 Netter’s Atlas 2nd ed

12 Grant’s Dissector 13th ed

13 brachium antr compartment postr compartment biceps brachii m.
long head short head brachialis m. coracobrachialis m. triceps brachii m. lateral head medial head long head anconeus m.

14 musculocutaneous n. (C5-C7) biceps brachii m. brachialis m.
coracobrachialis m. Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

15 axillary n. (C5-C6) radial n. (C5-T1) deltoid m. teres minor m.
triceps brachii m. anconeus m. (brachialis m.) Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

16 Grant’s Dissector 13th ed

17 Grant’s Dissector 13th ed

18 antebrachium antr compartment postr compartment pronator teres m.
flex. carpi radialis m. palmaris longus m. flex. carpi ulnaris m. flex. digit. superf. m. flex. digit. profund. m. flex. pollicis longus m. pronator quadratus m. brachioradialis m. ext. carpi radialis longus m. ext. carpi radialis brevis m. ext. carpi ulnaris m. extensor digitorum m. extensor digiti minimi m. extensor indicis m. abd pollicis longus m. ext. pollicis longus/brevis m. supinator m.

19 radial n. (C5-T1) triceps brachii m., anconeus m. (brachialis m.)
BR, ECRL, ECRB, ED, EDM, supinator, ECU, EI, AbdPL, EPL, EPB Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

20 ulnar n. (C7-T1) flex carpi ulnaris m. medial ½ FDP
+ 14 intrinsic hand muscles Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

21 median n. (C5-T1) PT, FCR, PL, FDS, lat ½ FDP, FPL, PQ
+ 5 intrinsic hand muscles Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

22 Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy 11th ed

23 intrinsic hand muscles
7 interosseii mm. (4 dorsal/3 palmar) 4 lumbrical mm. (1, 2, 3, 4) palmaris brevis m. adductor pollicis m. three thenar mm. (OP, abd.PB, FPB) three hypothenar mm. (ODM, abd.DM, FDMB)

24 intrinsic hand muscles
7 interosseii mm. (4 dorsal/3 palmar) 4 lumbrical mm. (1, 2, 3, 4) palmaris brevis m. adductor pollicis m. three thenar mm. (OP, abd.PB, FPB) three hypothenar mm. (ODM, abd.DM, FDMB) (median n.) (ulnar n.)

25 upper limb - cutaneous innervation
Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

26 upper limb – dermatome pattern Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2nd ed

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