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Year 5/6 72 teachers attend a maths course, aged between 20 and 80. The ratio of men to women is 1 to 6. There are 18 tables and 13 mints on each table.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5/6 72 teachers attend a maths course, aged between 20 and 80. The ratio of men to women is 1 to 6. There are 18 tables and 13 mints on each table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5/6 72 teachers attend a maths course, aged between 20 and 80. The ratio of men to women is 1 to 6. There are 18 tables and 13 mints on each table. How many mints are there per teacher?

2 Year 5 / 6 A pair of trainers cost £48.00 In the sale there was a 25% reduction. What is the cost of the trainers in the sale?

3 Year 5 / 6 The latest Britney Spears C.D. costs £12.99. Sophie has £1.50 pocket money each week. How many weeks will it take her to save up to buy the C.D?

4 Year 5 / 6 A book has 450 pages. I’ve read 36 pages a day for 4 days. If I continue to read at the same rate, how many more days will it take to finish the book?

5 Year 5/6 12 local schools organised a football tournament. Each school could bring 11 players and 2 substitutes. How many children were involved in the tournament? 4 schools reached the semi-finals. If each school used 1 substitute how many children played in the semi-final matches?

6 Year 5 / 6 Class 5B designed some paper aeroplanes. Group 1’s plane flew 2m 16cm. Group 2’s plane flew 1m 37 cm further. Group 3’s plane flew 1m 46cm less than group 1’s. What is the difference between the distances plane 1 and plane 3 flew?

7 Year 5 / 6 Pokemon cards cost £1.60 for 10. If there are 120 in the complete set, how much will a complete set cost?

8 Year 5 / 6 A square field has sides of 28 metres in length. What is the area of the field? How many metres of fencing would be needed to completely enclose the field?

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