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LOGO Coding : Eyewear Gallery Management System. LOGO Group Names and ID's : Ibrahim Al-Sharif – 220080051 Hamed Mosalam - 220070043.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Coding : Eyewear Gallery Management System. LOGO Group Names and ID's : Ibrahim Al-Sharif – 220080051 Hamed Mosalam - 220070043."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Coding : Eyewear Gallery Management System

2 LOGO Group Names and ID's : Ibrahim Al-Sharif – 220080051 Hamed Mosalam - 220070043

3 Company Logo Contents Appendix Reuse and relationships to other products Components Tools Methodology

4  Incremental Methodology

5 Tools Java Net beans Jasper Report Java Data Base Connector (JDBC)

6 Main Components

7 Components Details الحقلالنوع idint(11) user_namevarchar(50) passwordvarchar(50) الحقلالنوع idint(11) typevarchar(50) الحقلالنوع idint(11) maintype_idint(11) namevarchar(50) amountint(11) User Types Sub-types

8 Components Details Sells Merchant_payments الحقلالنوع idint(11) customer_idint(11) type_idint(2) sub_type_idint(2) amountint(11) pricefloat time date الحقلالنوع idint(11) merchant_ id int(11) paymentfloat payment_ date date payment_t ime time

9 Components Details Readings الحقلالنوع idint(11) customer_idint(11) time date notestext rsphdouble rcyldouble raxisdouble lsphdouble lcyldouble laxisdouble ladd_sphdouble ladd_cyldouble ladd_axisdouble radd_sphdouble radd_cyldouble radd_axisdouble ipddouble

10 Components Details  EyeWearAboutBox  EyeWearApp  EyeWearView  connectDB  User  Login  Customer  Expenses  Types

11 Components Details ConnectDB:

12 Components Details Types:

13 Components Details Customer

14 Reuse and relationships to other products Java and Java tools From the beginning we set a goal to make use of any existing code to avoid wasting time duplicating other’s work. We also decided to use open source or freeware solutions wherever possible. Because we are creating software for a defined application, it is possible to use open source technologies in each area. First, we decided to implement our code in Java because it is free and allows us to run on a wide range of operating systems. Next, we chose a development environment that would allow us to edit our Java code. Netbeans was chosen because it is free and has many plug-ins which allow us to use already existing applications.

15 Reuse and relationships to other products With these decisions in place, we needed a database on which to store our records. We choose JDBC because it has many management tools, and includes a visual interface that is very appealing. We chose JasperReports as the means to generate reports because it is a freeware/open source package written in Java that generates reports in XML, PDF, or HTML files. Database and Reporting

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