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Matthew Ceron Abel Eligio Cindy lopez Jesus Fierro Josh Linker

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew Ceron Abel Eligio Cindy lopez Jesus Fierro Josh Linker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew Ceron Abel Eligio Cindy lopez Jesus Fierro Josh Linker
ZHOU BICYCLE COMPANY Matthew Ceron Abel Eligio Cindy lopez Jesus Fierro Josh Linker

2 BACKGROUND ON ZBC Located in Seattle, ZBC is a wholesale distributor of bicycles and bicycle parts. Formed in 1991 by University of Washington Professor Yong-Pia Zho. The company distributes a wide variety of bicycle. The most popular model, and the major source of revenue to the company, is the AirWing. ZBC receives all the models from a single manufacturer in China.

3 ZBC BUSINESS PROCESS 1. Retail outlets are located within a 400-mile radius of the distribution center. 2. These retail outlets receive the order from ZBC within 2 days after notifying the distribution center, provided that the stock is available . 3. However, if an order is not fulfilled by the company, no backorder is place. 4. The retailers then arrange to get their shipment from other distributors, and ZBC loses that amount of business.

4 Business Process ZBC estimates that each tie an order is placed, it incurs a cost of $65 for communication, paperwork, and customs clearance. Purchasing price paid by ZBC, per bicycle, is roughly 60% of suggested retail price for all styles of bicycle. The inventory carrying cost is 12% per year of the purchase price paid by ZBC. Retail price for the AirWing is $170 per bicycle.

5 Demands for AirWing Model

6 Discussion Questions Develop an inventory plan to help ZBC.
Discuss ROP’s and total costs. How can you address demand that is not at the level of the planning horizon.

7 An Inventory plan to help ZBC
Economic order quantity = Q*omi order quantity = Q*

8 Demand for AirWing Model

9 ROP’s and Total Costs ROP= 36.58+ 1.645 (25.67)= 79 bicycles
Reorder point (ROP) = Average demand during the lead time ()+ Z  (Standard deviation of the demand during the lead time ()) ROP= (25.67)= 79 bicycles ROP= ()+ Z  () Safety Stock= 1.645(25.67)= 42 bicycles Total annual inventory cost= Annual holding cost + Annual ordering cost = ½ Q* (holding cost) + SS (holding cost) + Total Demand/Q* (Ordering Cost) =$ $ $419.63=$1,349.87 TOTAL COST= $1,349.87

10 How can you address demand that is not at the level of the planning horizon?
According to the information, the demand shows that it is not a level demand over the planning horizon. Therefore, a EOQ for an entire year should not be used due to seasonal sales. A planning horizon to use might be a quarterly planned horizon because this would be more evenly distributed and help make a plan for each segment.


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