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Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation Área Microscopía Electrónica Facultad Agronomía y Veterinaria Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto Río Cuarto,

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1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation Área Microscopía Electrónica Facultad Agronomía y Veterinaria Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto Río Cuarto, Córdoba. ARGENTINA Dra Cecilia Merkis, Mic Andrea Cristofolini and Dra Mirta Koncurat REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET Rev. electrón. vet. - Vol. VIII, Nº 1, Enero/2007 REDVET: 2007, Vol. VIII Nº 1 Recibido: 11 Diciembre 2006 / Referencia: 010710 / Aceptado: 30 Diciembre 2006 / Publicado: 01 Enero 2007 Esta presentación DIVULGATIVA está disponible en concretamente en REDVET® Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria está editada por Veterinaria Organización®. Se autoriza la difusión y reenvío siempre que enlace con® http://www.veterinaria.org y con REDVET® - http://www.redvet.es

2 Programmed cell death or Apoptosis is involved in many physiological processed including tissue homeostasis, embryonic development, and the immune response. Introduction REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

3 Cell Apoptotic way Necrotic way In response to signals, the cell induces a programmed cascade of events that results in the destruction of the cell. Apoptotic bodies Destruction cell REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

4 Efector Caspase Effector Cell Ligans Iniciator Caspase Receptor Cytoskeleton REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

5 Efector Caspase Nucleus Cytoplasm DNA REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

6 The aim of this study was to determine the expression of FAS/APO1 in empty uterus and placental samples from different days of gestation. Objectives REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

7 Placentas or reproductive tracts were recovered within 1h postpartum at Rio Cuarto slaughterhouse, ARGENTINE. -- Histological sections of the twenty porcine placenta of +/- 28, 60 y 114 days, fixed in formaldehyde 10% buffer phosphate and embedded or not in paraffin, were studied. -- - Determination of gestational age (embryos/fetus longitude) - Survey of embryos/fetus - Weight of embryos/fetus Materials and Methods REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

8 The analyses of expression of FAS/APO 1 receptor in trophoblastic cellular surfaces, by immunoperoxidase technique, were made with the following antibodies: FAS B-10 that recognizes FAS and other members of the super family of TNFR-1. FAS C-20 that recognizes FAS and doesn’t present cross reactions with other TNFR-1. REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

9 FAS B-10 SamplesVilli Empty uterus(++) Placenta 28 days(+++) Placenta 60 days(++) Placenta 114 days(+) FAS C-20 SamplesVilli Empty uterus(+) Placenta 28 days(++) Placenta 60 days(++) Placenta 114 days(+++) The results of immunoperoxidase were expressed in qualitative form: negative (-), positive (+), high (++) and abundant (+++). Tables 1 and 2 : Label antibodies FAS B-10 and FAS C-20 intensity, observed in villi of empty uterus and placental samples of different gestational periods. 12 Results REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

10 Fig a and b: Microphotograph of 28 gestational days. Abundant labelling produced by antibodies FAS B-10 and FAS C-20 was observed (1000 x). a b REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

11 GESTATIONAL DAYS NUMBERAPOPCELLSNUMBERAPOPCELLS Fig c: Number of apoptotic cells during porcine gestation. REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

12 Fig d: Microphotograph of 28 gestational days (1000 x). REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

13 Fig e: Microphotograph of 70 gestational days (200 x). REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

14 Fig f: Microphotograph of 114gestational days (200 x). REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

15 Higher cellular reforms appear approximately one week after implantation and to the end of gestation. The first changes are produced by apoptosis receptors of TNFR-1; nevertheless to the end of pregnancy the apoptosis is due exclusively to APO-1 receptors. Conclusions REDVET Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 2007 Vol.VIII Nº1 Apoptotic phenomena during porcine placentation

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