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1 Issues In Embedding The ‘Third Stream’ In HE Alice Frost and Richard Blackwell.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Issues In Embedding The ‘Third Stream’ In HE Alice Frost and Richard Blackwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Issues In Embedding The ‘Third Stream’ In HE Alice Frost and Richard Blackwell

2 2 Introduction Desk research based on secondary sources Policy development and terminology Mutation theories HE exemplars Outstanding issues and conclusions. Contact details

3 3 3 rd stream - Normative or empirical? Read-across from policy desire to empirical models e.g. Community service or outreach Third stream Integrated feature of R and T Engagement (Boyer) Commercialisation of knowledge (Australia PhillipsKPA March 2006)

4 4 History HEROBC/HEIF Fund infrastructure or added outcomes Enhance R and T All HEIs, all disciplines, all users, all spatial dimensions – embedding (Hatakenaka) UK policy – Lambert, SIIF Bottom-up v top down

5 5 Mutation Theories Mode 1 -discipline and peer based. Mode 2 – ‘transdisciplinary’, problem based, large transient teams. Mode 2 - new, replacing mode 1, internally transformative Mode 2 – examples form science and engineering. (Gibbons et al 1994)

6 6 Mutation theories 2 ‘Triple helix’ of State-HE-Industry Complex interactions (with a systems theory basis ?) Dual careers/activities for researchers ‘Third mission’ of economic development emerging in ‘2 nd Academic Revolution’ The entrepreneurial university Etzkowitz various from 1998

7 7 Mutation theories 3 Clark’s pathways to org. transformation A strengthened steering core Enhanced developmental periphery Discretionary funding base Motivating the academic heartland Unifying entrepreneurial idea Clark 1998

8 8 Mutation theories 4: critique Not new, all pervasive trends. Tendency to totalising discourses. Prescription and description mixed External trends mediated by institutional, disciplinary, unit and local ecological factors. Important trends but not universal impact claimed Tuunnainen 2005

9 9 Some HE exemplars (1) Biotechnology group, Finland External funding an influence but not a determining one. Economics and Sociology in Quebec Differential engagement and career impacts Economics – think tanks, consultancies, networks. Tuunainen 2005, Albert 2003, Yeo 2002.

10 10 Some HE exemplars (2) Stanford and MIT (Hatakenaka) 3 rd stream embedded and/or product of ‘place’ San Francisco University (Hatakenaka) Hertfordshire, Salford Universite du Littoral Cote d’Opale (Laperche)

11 11 Conclusion Research methods and measures Empirical research Whole HEI transformation? Variation in disciplinary engagement Unit/ecological factors “Place” Conceptual development Cluster formation and spatial location Develop evidence-informed policy

12 12 Contact information Alice Frost Head of Business and Community Policy, HEFCE Richard Blackwell South East Regional Consultant and regional lead on third stream, HEFCE Presentation is draft and made in personal capacity.

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