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Magnets Presentation For 4th. Grade Vocabulary Magnetic Field: an invisible force that rounds a magnet. Magnetite: A stone that has magnetic properties.

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2 Magnets Presentation For 4th. Grade

3 Vocabulary Magnetic Field: an invisible force that rounds a magnet. Magnetite: A stone that has magnetic properties Magnetic Poles: The magnetic force located in the oposite ends of a magnetic object

4 The Use of Magnets In The Ancient Greek Times

5 Magnets Use in Our Society Magnets can be natural There are also electromagnets The last ones are used in some industries They can be used also in transportation.

6 Properties of Magnets Magnets have magnetic field They have two poles of attraction Similar magnetic fields repel each other Unlike magnetic fields attract Magnets come in many sizes and shapes. The most power magnets are shoe horse magnets

7 The Earth is a giant magnet Our planet is a magnet It has two power poles called North and South Poles Like a magnets this poles could attract or repel

8 Magnetism is a Form of Energy Magnets are objects that attract things made of metal. There are bar magnets and shoe magnets Horse shoe are the stronger magnets

9 History about magnets The ancient Greeks discover and use the first magnets They rubbed a piece of a magnetite with an amber cloth and produced magnetic fields.

10 Earth is a Giant Magnet Deep inside earth there is a core of metal. Liquid iron inside makes earth magnetic fields. Earth has North and South Magnetic Poles as magnets does

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