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Exam 6 Review (Ch. 16 & 17) Pharmacy Tech – 2011-12.

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1 Exam 6 Review (Ch. 16 & 17) Pharmacy Tech – 2011-12

2 To avoid parasites when traveling, you should refrain from: a. Salads washed in untreated local water b. Unpasteurized milk c. Freshwater fish d. All of the above Answer: d

3 The most commonly used agents for weight reduction are a. Antiemetics b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Emollients / lubricants Answer: c

4 Drug(s) used in emergency situations to induce vomiting in poisoning cases: a. Antiemetics b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Emollients / lubricants Answer: b

5 Drugs that work in the vomiting center (in the medulla oblongata) to inhibit impulses going to the stomach which cause vomiting: a. Antiemetics b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Antiflatulents Answer: a

6 An inflammation of the large intestine, causing it to appear scraped: a. Diverticular disease b. Ulcerative colitis c. Irritable bowel syndrome d. Hiatal hernia Answer: b

7 The condition that results from a deficiency of fiber over time: a. Diverticular disease b. Ulcerative colitis c. Irritable bowel syndrome d. Hiatal hernia Answer: a

8 A condition related to chronic constipation: a. Diverticular disease b. Ulcerative colitis c. Irritable bowel syndrome d. Hiatal hernia Answer: d

9 Agents intended to reduce intestinal gas: a. Antiflatulents b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Antiemetics Answer: a

10 These draw water into the colon and thus stimulate evacuation. a. Antiemetics b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Emollients / lubricants Answer: d

11 These cause a laxative action by increasing gut activity through mucosal irritation: a. Antiemetics b. Ipecac syrup c. Stimulants d. Emollients / lubricants Answer: c

12 The major function of the GI tract is to a. Regulate body temperature b. Convert complex food substances into simpler compounds c. Filter waste products d. None of the above Answer: b

13 A condition characterized by a cough that produces purulent, green, or blood-streaked sputum. a. Chronic bronchitis b. COPD c. Pneumonia d. Emphysema Answer: a

14 Cigarette smoking increases the risk of a. Cancer b. COPD c. Heart disease and stroke d. All of the above Answer: d

15 An inflammatory lung infection caused by micro-organisms gaining access to the lower respiratory tract by aspiration, inhalation or through the bloodstream. a. Chronic bronchitis b. COPD c. Pneumonia d. Emphysema Answer: c

16 A lung disease that is transmitted by respiratory droplets inhaled into the lungs: a. Tuberculosis b. Asthma c. Bronchitis d. Cystic fibrosis Answer: a

17 A hereditary disease that affects the gastrointestinal and pulmonary systems: a. Tuberculosis b. Asthma c. Bronchitis d. Cystic fibrosis Answer: d

18 A condition characterized by destruction of the walls and the tiny alveoli of the lungs: a. Chronic bronchitis b. COPD c. Pneumonia d. Emphysema Answer: d

19 A disease in which inflammation causes the patient’s airway to tighten: a. Tuberculosis b. Asthma c. Bronchitis d. Cystic fibrosis Answer: b

20 This causes inflammation and destroys air sacs which lose their ability to expand and contract, and their ability to pass O2 into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. a. Chronic bronchitis b. COPD c. Cystic fibrosis d. Emphysema Answer: b

21 Also known as adrenalin, and is the drug of choice for acute asthma attacks: a. Nicoderm b. Zyban c. Chantix d. Epinephrine Answer: d

22 These drugs are reserved for more difficult cases of asthma and may be successfully used when other drugs are not effective. a. Beta blockers b. Corticosteroids c. Bronchodilators d. None of the above Answer: b

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