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Gifts - discover and apply skills. What does it mean – gift, skill? Everyone has a special talent for example artisanal talent, child care, etc. Talent.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifts - discover and apply skills. What does it mean – gift, skill? Everyone has a special talent for example artisanal talent, child care, etc. Talent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifts - discover and apply skills

2 What does it mean – gift, skill? Everyone has a special talent for example artisanal talent, child care, etc. Talent = something you can do well and what you do like.

3 Talent in the Bible The Bible also speaks of gifts. This means aptitude for different things and services. What does the Bible say about spiritual giftedness?

4 Everyone has at least one gift The Bible tells us: Everyone has to get a gift = ability: "Serve one another with the ability God has given you - each and every one with its own special gift! Then you are good trustees of the manifold grace of God. "1. Pet. 4.10

5 What gifts we find in the Bible? Spiritual Gifts 1. Cor. 12-14 These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit to people. Gifts that God has given to us from birth. These gifts are "permanently installed".

6 The gifts of the Holy Spirit Prophecy (1. Cor. 12,10) Doing signs and wonders (1. Cor. 12,28) Healing (1. Cor. 12,9.28.30) Speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues (1. Cor. 12,10) Words of wisdom and knowledge (1. Cor. 12,8) These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit when HE wants.

7 Gifts that God has given to man in the Bible We see different people in the Bible where God has given a gift. These gifts we find in practically every church - even for the deaf!

8 Gift of mercy This gift is a special ability to help people in need. Examples in the Bible - Mt. 25,37-40 - Mk. 9,41 - Lk. 10,33-37 - Acts 9,36-42 - Rom. 12,4-8

9 Gift of Serve This service is often hidden. But it is very important for the whole group. Examples in the Bible - Lk. 10,38-42 - Lk. 22,24-27 - Rom. 12,6-7 - 1. Tim. 3,8-13

10 Gift of hospitality People are hospitable like to take to other people and give them room and board. Examples in the Bible - 1. Gen. 18,1-8 - Mt. 10,11 – 14,40 - Rom. 12,9-13 - Hebr. 13,1-2

11 Gift of the craft God has enabled some people to do wonderful things with their hands. Examples in the Bible - 2. Ex. 30,22-31 - 2. Kg. 12,11-13 - 2. Chr. 34,9-13 - Acts 18,3

12 Gift of Teaching Who has the gift of teaching, other people can pass on biblical teaching, so that they can easily understand. Examples in the Bible - Acts 18,24-28 - Rom. 12,6-7 - Jak. 3,1

13 Gift of guidance These people can lead a group or community, so that they achieve the goal of God voluntarily and in unity. Examples in the Bible - 2. Ex. 18,13-27 - Rom. 12,8 - 1. Thess. 5,12-13

14 Gift of administration and organization These people may well organize something as Camps, events,... Examples in the Bible - 2. Ex. 18,13-27 - 1. Cor. 12,28

15 Gift of giving Some people may very well earn money and love to give it to other people or to share it in the community. Examples in the Bible - Lk. 21,1-4 - Joh. 12,3-8 - Acts 4,32-37 - 2. Cor. 8,2-5

16 Gift of pastoral care Who has the gift of pastoral care, may well others who have problems or seek for help, help by talking. Examples in the Bible - Joh. 4,1-42 - Acts 14,21-22 - 2. Cor. 1,3-7 - 1. Thess. 5,14

17 Gift of evangelism Some have a special talent to tell other people about Jesus. Examples in the Bible - Acts 8,5-6 - Acts 8,26-40 - Acts 14,13-21 - Rom. 10,14-15

18 Gift to resolve conflicts Some are good at dispute or misunderstanding as mediate between two people Examples in the Bible - 1. Cor. 6,5

19 What is your talent? There are many more different kinds of gifts in the Bible. You might have noticed today - for example: I can organize good! This is a gift from God. With these gifts we must serve God and the community!

20 Discover gifts & do Evangelism, Serving, Giving... should we do it all! But some are especially gifted to do this. We can for example do not say I can not give good, so I will give nothing!

21 Discover gifts & do God has given us gifts - not for ourselves. We are to serve others with our gifts. Thus, the community is strong!

22 Loyalty is very important God is looking for people who are faithful in their service. The Bible says he who is faithful in little things, the bigger things can put God above. (Mt. 25, 14-30)

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