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1. alg pain 1. alg analgesic-an(lacking) alg(pain) ic(characteristics of)**tylenol, advil— something to get rid of pain** neuralgia-neuro(nerve) alg(pain)

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Presentation on theme: "1. alg pain 1. alg analgesic-an(lacking) alg(pain) ic(characteristics of)**tylenol, advil— something to get rid of pain** neuralgia-neuro(nerve) alg(pain)"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. alg pain

3 1. alg analgesic-an(lacking) alg(pain) ic(characteristics of)**tylenol, advil— something to get rid of pain** neuralgia-neuro(nerve) alg(pain) ia(state,condition) nostalgia-nostos(home) alg(pain) ia(state,conditon) **to think about home and maybe miss things about it when you get older—even the “good ole days” of middle and elementary school**

4 2. anim mind,soul,spirit

5 2. anim animated-anim (spirit) ate(make,do) inanimate-in(no) anim(soul,spirit) ate(make,do)**books, chair*

6 3. astra star

7 3. astra astroid-astr(star) oid(resembling) astrology-astr(star) logy(study of) disaster-dis(apart,away) astr(star) ill fate

8 4. cardi heart

9 4. cardi cardiologist-cardi(heart) log(study of) ist(one who) pericardium-peri(around) cardi(heart) ium(place where)

10 5. cogn know

11 5. cogn recognize-re(again) cogn(know) ize(make,do) incognito-in(not) cogn(know)

12 6. dent(dont) tooth

13 6. dent(dont) dentist-dent(tooth) ist(one who) peridontics-peri(around) dont(tooth) ics(science of)

14 7. erg(urg) work,power

15 7. erg(urg) energy-en(inside,within) erg(power) y(result of)

16 8. ity state,quality,act

17 8. ity gravity-grav(weight,heavy) ity(state of) minority-minor(small) ity(state) sincerity-sincerus(pure) ity(quality of)

18 9. lect(leg) read,choose

19 9. lect(leg) lecturn-lect(read) place for reading legible-leg(read) ible(able) select-se(from) lect(choose)

20 10. logy study

21 10. logy mythology-myth(story) logy(study)

22 11. man(manu) hand

23 11. man(manu) manicure-mani(hand) cur(care) manual-manu(hand) al(related to)

24 12. mob(mot) move

25 12. mob(mot) mobile-mob(move) ile(capable of,pertaining to) motivate-mot(move) ate(make,cause) commotion-com(together) mot(move) tion(act of)

26 13. noc(nox) night

27 13. noc(nox) nocturnal-noturnus(night) al(related to) equinox-equi(equal,same) nox(night) noctambulate-noc(night) ambl(walk) ate(make,do) **sleep walk**

28 14. nov new

29 14. nov novel-nov(new) el(little) **not the book-a type of idea.”That was a novel idea.” novice-nov(new) ice(act,practice of) renovate-re(again) nov(new) ate(make,do)

30 15. ortho straight,standard

31 15. ortho orthodontist-ortho(straight) dont(tooth) ist(one who)

32 16. phil love of, fondness for

33 16. phil philosopher-phil(love of) soph(wisdom) er(one who) philanthropist-phil(love of) anthrop(mankind) ist(one who)

34 17. photo light

35 17. photo photography-photo(light) graph(write,record) y(result of)

36 18. rect right

37 18. rect rectify-rect(right) fy(make) rectangle-rect(right) angle(angle)

38 19. sed(sid,sess) sit

39 19. sed(sis,sess) sediment-sed(sit) ment(result of action or process) preside-pre(before) sid(sit)

40 20. sis process, condition

41 20. sis psychosis-psych(mind) sis(condition) diagnosis-dia(across,through) gno(know) sis(process)

42 21. spec(spic,spect) look,watch

43 21. spec(spic,spect) spectator-spect(watch) or(one who)

44 22. struct build

45 22. struct structure-struct(build) ure(state or act of) construct-con(together) struct(build) obstruction-ob(against) struct(build) tion(act of)

46 23. tract pull

47 23. tract tractor-tract(pull) or(that which) distract-dis(apart,away) tract(pull)

48 24. via road,way

49 24. via via-via(way) by way of

50 25. xeno foreign

51 25. xeno xenophobia-xeno(foreign) phobia(fear) xenolith- xeno(foreign) lith(rock)

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