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Ice Breaking. Let introduce yourself… www.dadangsolihin.com2 Assalamualaikum... Nama saya...

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Presentation on theme: "Ice Breaking. Let introduce yourself… www.dadangsolihin.com2 Assalamualaikum... Nama saya..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ice Breaking

2 Let introduce yourself… www.dadangsolihin.com2 Assalamualaikum... Nama saya...

3 www.dadangsolihin.com3

4 4

5 5

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11 www.dadangsolihin.com11

12 Count the black dots www.dadangsolihin.com12

13 How many legs does the elephant have ? www.dadangsolihin.com13

14 Berapa pilar yang ada, tiga atau dua? www.dadangsolihin.com14

15 Cincin yang mustahil www.dadangsolihin.com15

16 Karpet hidup www.dadangsolihin.com16

17 Are the horizontal line parallel? www.dadangsolihin.com17

18 Are the center circles the same size? www.dadangsolihin.com18

19 www.dadangsolihin.com19

20 www.dadangsolihin.com20

21 Say the COLOR not the word HIJAU BIRU MERAH PUTIH KUNING HIJAU BIRU MERAH HITAM HIJAU BIRU MERAH KUNING HIJAU BIRU MERAH KUNING HIJAU Your right brain tries to say the color but your left brain insists on saying the word

22 Whole brain learning If you see this lady turning in clockwise you are using your right brain. If you see it the other way, you are using left brain. Some people do see both ways, but most people see it only one way. If you try to see it the other way and if you do see, your IQ is above 160 which is almost a genius. Then see if you can make her go one way and then the other by shifting the brain's current. BOTH DIRECTIONS CAN BE SEEN This was proved at Yale University, over a 5 year study on the human brain and it's functions. Only 14% of the US population can see her move both ways.


24 The “Margaret Thatcher” illusion Sorry he’s upside down. How do you feel about this guy? www.dadangsolihin.com24

25 The “Margaret Thatcher” illusion Turned him over. Still feel the same way? www.dadangsolihin.com25

26 www.dadangsolihin.com26

27 www.dadangsolihin.com27

28 кончай работать!!! Тебе кажется, что они волнуются? Последнее предупреждение – кончай работать!!! www.dadangsolihin.com28

29 И, если ты сейчас посмотришь на одну из черных точек посередине, может у тебя снова все кружится???? www.dadangsolihin.com29

30 Perfect Squares Watch closely at the picture, are these perfect squares?... www.dadangsolihin.com30

31 Moving Center Part Try to move your head or use the scrollbar to move the page... www.dadangsolihin.com31

32 Focus on the Dot in the Center and Move Your Head Backwards and Forwards... www.dadangsolihin.com32

33 Hubungkan 9 titik oleh 4 garis tanpa terputus www.dadangsolihin.com33

34 www.dadangsolihin.com34

35 Supernormal stimulus www.dadangsolihin.com35

36 Bagaimana bulatan ini dapat dibagi menjadi 8 bagian dengan 3 potongan? www.dadangsolihin.com36

37 www.dadangsolihin.com37

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