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CN Labels, Product Formulation Statements and Production Records: The tools to being successful.

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Presentation on theme: "CN Labels, Product Formulation Statements and Production Records: The tools to being successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 CN Labels, Product Formulation Statements and Production Records: The tools to being successful

2 Objective  Increase communication amongst food service staff members resulting in confidence with meal service operation.

3 Agenda  Offer versus Serve  Review of Regulations  Crediting documentation  Child Nutrition Labels  Product Formulation Statements  Production Records  Standardized Recipes  Portion Control

4 Offer versus Serve - Lunch  Students must be offered all five required components.  Students are allowed to decline two of the five required food components.  Of the three components they choose, one must be ½ cup of fruit, vegetables, or combo.  The other two components must be FULL components.

5 Offer versus Serve - Lunch  Students must take a minimum of ½ cup of the Fruit and/or Vegetable component.  Must take full components, as planned, of at least two other components  A full component is defined as the minimum daily requirement.  1 oz eq grain for K-8 students  2 oz eq grain for 9-12 students  All reimbursable meals must be set at a single price whether the meal contains 3, 4, of 5 components.

6 Offer versus Serve - Breakfast  Students must be offered three components:  Grains – 1 oz eq daily  Fruit – 1 cup daily  Milk – 1 cup daily  Always offer all three components in at least the daily minimum required amounts.

7 Offer versus Serve - Breakfast  From the three components, menu must contain at least 4 food items.  Regulatory definition: A food item is a specific food offered within the food components  An item is the daily required minimum amount of each food component that a child can take  1 oz eq of grains  ½ cup of fruit  1 cup of milk  Students must select at least ½ cup of fruit/vegetable in order to have a reimbursable meal.

8 Offer versus Serve  To meet the ½ cup Fruit or Vegetable requirement, a student may select:  Smaller portions of same vegetable or fruit  ¼ cup applesauce + ¼ apple slices = ½ cup fruit  ¼ cup fruit and ¼ cup of vegetables  ¼ cup strawberries + ¼ cup dry beans and peas = ½ cup fruit or vegetable  Mixed dish containing a ½ cup mixture of fruits and vegetables  ½ cup carrot raisin salad = ½ cup fruit or vegetable

9 Wednesday Turkey Sandwich on Wheat Bread Cheese Stick Baby Carrot Sticks Crisp Apple Milk Choice Cookie

10 How many components are present?

11 How many FULL components are present?

12 Communication is essential!

13 Production Record - Example Turkey Sandwich 1 each 25 25 Cheese Stick 1 each 20 20 Baby Carrots 1 cup 10 10 c Apple – 135 ct 1 each 20 20 Cookie 1 each 25 25 Skim White ½ pint 5 5 Skim Chocolate ½ pint 20 20 12/7/2014 Banana High 9-1225

14 Standardized Recipes


16 Do we know about many FULL components?

17 Crediting 17  Schools must be provided proper documentation for crediting processed foods that contain meat/meat alternate and grains.  Child Nutrition (CN) labels  Product Formulation Statements (PFS) 

18 Crediting continued 18  Unprocessed foods and those with a standard of identity can be credited using the Food Buying Guide.  Example: produce, cuts of meat, cheese  USDA Foods  Reminder: Direct Diversion crediting is SFA’s responsibility  WI Processed: Fact Sheets available

19 Importance of Documentation What kind of raw meat did you begin with? Turkey Breast? Ground Turkey? Mixed Turkey Products? What is the weight of the cooked, lean meat? What did you add to the final product? How much does the final product weigh?

20 Example: Spec Sheets

21 21 Example: Child Nutrition Label

22 Example Product Formulation Statement

23 Production Records

24 Production Records: Why we need them  “All SFAs/schools are required to document the foods served to students as part of a reimbursable meal. In addition to ensuring that meals served adhere to meal requirements, production records also provide valuable information for conducting nutrient analyses of foods offered to children.”

25 Daily Production Records: Who, When, What, How  May be a shared responsibility  Menu Planner  Production Staff  Meal Servers  May be completed in progression  Prior to day of meal service (advance plan)  Close to and/or on day of meal service (reflect changes in menu & participation)  After meal service completed (actual preparation and participation)  Time savers/Efficiencies  Cycle menus with master production plan  Master production plan copied and revised for each day  Separate plans by production or serving area (salad/garden bar, condiments, satellite location, etc.) 25

26 Production Records: How do they help? 26 - Communicates information to staff - products and recipes to use - portion sizes - Allows a place for record keeping - Directs production needs - Track food cost -Ensures meal pattern compliance

27 27

28 28

29 Production Record - Example Turkey Sandwich 1 each 25 25 1.5 2.0 Cheese Stick 1 each 20 20 1.0 Baby Carrots 1 cup 10 10 c 1 cup Apple – 135 ct 1 each 20 20 1 cup Cookie 1 each 25 25 0.25 Skim White ½ pint 5 5 Skim Chocolate ½ pint 20 20 12/7/2014 Banana High 9-1225

30 But what about the baby carrots??

31 What’s the Scoop on Portion Control? A quick refresher

32 Reasons for Portion Control  Aids in consistently identifying reimbursable meals (components)  Improves customer satisfaction and meal participation  Students notice if someone gets a heaping scoop!  Ensures USDA reimbursable meal requirements  Ensures enough is prepared  Controls cost  Minimizes waste  Decreases amount of leftovers  Facilitates proper forecasting

33 Tools of the Trade  Slicers  Scales  Scoops and Spoodles  Slotted or Pierced Spoodles  Measuring Cups  Ladles

34 Using Tools Correctly  Level scoop  Served as planned  Heaping scoop  Excess calories and nutrients  Increased food cost  Food shortage  Scant scoop  Not meeting meal pattern requirement  Increased waste

35 Weight vs. Volume Measurement  Weight is measured in ounces  Used for determining portion size for Meat/Meat Alternates and Grains  Tool: Scale  Volume is measured in fluid ounces  Used for determining portion size of fruit, vegetables, and milk  Tools: measuring cups, spoodles, dishers, ladles 35

36 Weight Versus Volume  Use slicer in conjunction with scale to determine appropriate setting on slicer and number of slices to use 36

37 Important Distinction 2 ounces by weight ≠ 2 ounce by measure ≠ ¼ cup Example: 1.25 oz bag of pop corn (weight) = 1 ¾ cups 2.5 oz bag of flavored pop corn (weight) = 1 ¾ cups

38 Two Methods for Accurate Portions  Food Buying Guide calculation  In-House Analysis

39 Food Buying Guide Calculation

40 In-House Analysis  Materials Needed:  Baby Carrots  Cutting board and knife  Measuring cup 1. Cut carrots into smaller pieces so they more easily fit into measuring cup. 2. Chop 1 carrot at a time and add to measuring cup. 3. Stop chopping and count how many baby carrots it took to fill 1 cup. 4. It would be helpful to record finding on production record. Example – Serving Size: 1 cup (12 baby carrots)

41 Production Record - Example Turkey Sandwich 1 each 25 25 Cheese Stick 1 each 20 20 Baby Carrots 12 each 10 10 c 1 cup Apple – 135 ct 1 each 20 20 Cookie 1 each 25 25 Skim White ½ pint 5 5 Skim Chocolate ½ pint 20 20 12/7/2014 Banana High 9-1225

42 How many FULL components?

43 Menu Planning  Menus must meet USDA requirements  Portion sizes affect whether requirements are met

44 Conclusion  Increasing communication amongst staff members with different specialties within your kitchen may result in the proper implementation of OVS. Crediting Information PFS CN Labels Production Records No guessing Portion Control Visual Estimation Offer versus Serve CONFIDENCE

45 45 The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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