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10th Grade World History Research Paper

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1 10th Grade World History Research Paper
Creating an Outline 10th Grade World History Research Paper

2 Why create an outline? Helps you write a logical paper
Helps with sequence Helps you keep track of large amounts of information Helps you organize your evidence

3 Before starting your outline, you should have…
Determined the purpose of your paper Developed your thesis Thought about the main ideas of your paper (these will become your body paragraphs, so you will need at least 3)

4 Step One… Brainstorm a list of all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.

5 Step Two… Organize your ideas into groups based on related ideas.
Creating a graphic organizer might be helpful.

6 Step Three… Arrange your material into subsections from general information to specific details.

7 Step Four… From your notes, create main and sub headings.

8 Reminders Creating an outline before writing your paper will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier.

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