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Lesson 10: Starting Windows Applications start an application program move between open application programs start an application using the Run command.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10: Starting Windows Applications start an application program move between open application programs start an application using the Run command."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10: Starting Windows Applications start an application program move between open application programs start an application using the Run command access online help understand the Help screens determine the version of Windows © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 1

2 Starting Application Programs Most common way to start program is All Programs Can also select shortcut for application program on desktop or Quick Launch toolbar During installation, may be option to put file in Startup folder, which means it automatically runs each time you start Windows Each application program contains own set of control icons to manage application window –May also be set of control icons for window containing document © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 2

3 Working with Multiple Windows Called multitasking Each program you open appears in own window Can move or switch from one program to another by clicking appropriate button on taskbar Press + or + to switch between active programs on taskbar Can also press + to display small window with icons representing each open program © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 3

4 Using the Run Command © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 4 May need to start program that was or does not need to be installed and not in the Start menu Can access program using Run command To activate Run: –Click Start, type: run in search field, and press –Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, Run –Press +

5 Using Windows Help and Support Extensive online Help system displays step-by-step procedures, definitions for terms, and hypertext links to other related topics Web Help available for additional online support via Internet To activate Help: –Select Help and Support from Start –Press –Click (Help) in any dialog box Windows Help and Support window contains navigation and search tools, as well as links to variety of resources © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 5

6 Using Windows Help and Support © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Toolbar Links for navigating HELP to locate the answer for yourself Links for navigating HELP to gain assistance from others in resolving the answer Links for accessing additional information from Microsoft Additional HELP resources Settings for searching OFFLINE or ONLINE 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 Using Windows Help and Support © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 7 1 2 3456 Arrows Retrace steps through Help system. Contents Displays current location in table of contents Home Goes to Help and Support home page. Ask Goes to page with links to other resources. Print Prints currently displayed topic. Options Provides additional commands to get help. 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 Using the Table of Contents Topics grouped in types of task or activity To activate Table of Contents in Help: –In Windows Help and Support window, click Table of Contents –On Help toolbar, click (Browse Help) Categories link to specific features or options available in Vista – links to window with description for topic – links to window with more options for topic Displays hierarchy of selected topics with options to find more information © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 8

9 Getting Additional Technical Support Contact Microsoft –List of numbers and ways to contact available in Help menu of Microsoft application program –Can also use online help option to find technical support Go to computer store that provides technical support Hire consultant who can come to your site to fix computer or provide training or assistance on problem Take additional courses on Windows to study advanced skills and troubleshooting techniques Search Internet for any groups that specialize in Windows Vista or have blog where they share information © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 9

10 Getting Additional Technical Support May be asked which version of Windows you are using –Important to tell technical support so they can provide you with correct support for that version To display version of Windows for technical support: –Click Start, Control Panel, click System Maintenance, and then click System –Click Start, Control Panel, click System Maintenance and in Welcome Center, click Find which version of Windows you are using To set the Start menu to display version of Windows, click Start, Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, in Taskbar and Start Menu options, click Customize the Start menu, Classic Start menu © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 10

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