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Grammar: Subjects and Verbs

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1 Grammar: Subjects and Verbs
Page 12

2 In English, sentences have a subject and a verb.
The subject is the person or thing that is doing the action or that is being described. The verb is the action word, like jump or sing, or a linking word, like are or is, that links the subject to the description.

3 Find the Subjects and Verbs
I am 15 years old. Michèle is 16 years old. You are American. They like French class. In the fall, Olivier and Henri play soccer. At 12:00, we eat lunch.

4 In French, sentences also have a subject and a verb.

5 Find the subjects and verbs:
J’ai 15 ans. Elle s’appelle Michèle. Il a 16 ans. Tu as quel âge? Je m’appelle Olivier. Tu t’appelles Henri.

6 Subject or Verb? Je Isabelle M’appelle Pierre A Il T’appelles

7 Both English and French use nouns as subjects
Both English and French use nouns as subjects. Nouns can be replaced by pronouns, which is a word that stands in for a noun. Examples are he and she.

8 Find the Pronouns! Elle Isabelle Le professeur Pierre Il
Isabelle et Pierre

9 Je (J’) - I Talking about myself Je m’appelle Thomas.
Je become J’ before a vowel sound (a,e,i,o,u,h) J’ai 15 ans.

10 Tu - you Talking to one person informally (friend, family member, kid)
Comment t’appelles-tu? Tu as quel âge?

11 Il - he Talking about one boy Il s’appelle Marc. Il a 16 ans.

12 Elle - she Talking about one girl Comment elle s’appelle?
Elle a quel âge?

13 On – people in general Talking about people in general, no one in particular Also used to say “we” informally On parle français en France.

14 Nous - we Talking about a group of people that includes me.
Nous aimons la classe de français!

15 Vous - you Talking to one person formally
Talking to more than one person, formally or informally Comment allez-vous?

16 Vous - you Talking to one person formally
Talking to more than one person, formally or informally Comment allez-vous?

17 Ils - they Talking about a group of boys or boys and girls
Ils s’appellent Marc et Antoine. Ils ont 16 ans.

18 Elles - they Talking about a group of girls
Elles s’appellent Léa et Céline. Elles ont 16 ans.

19 Special Notes: Je changes to J’ before a verb beginning with a vowel sound. In French this usually includes the letter H. Tu and Vous both mean YOU. Tu = used when speaking to one person you know well, one family member, one person your age Vous = used anytime you are addressing more than one person, or one person you do not know, or one person older than you

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