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Edi Brata, S.Pd. Mathla’ul Anwar University

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2 Edi Brata, S.Pd. Mathla’ul Anwar University

3  Subject: Bimb. Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah Code: D.06.301 Credits: 2 SKS Semester: 7 th Schedules: 1. Monday, 1:30 p.m. – 3:10 p.m. (C), 2. Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. – 5:10 p.m. (A), 3. Thursday, 2:00 p.m. – 3:40 p.m. (B). IDENTITY (1 of 2)

4  Lecturer: Ujang Edi Brata, S.Pd. Cell Phone: 081 311 356 323 08777 394 9015 e-mail/ YM: Facebook: Edi Brata Twitter: edibrata Web Site: IDENTITY (2 of 2)

5  DESCRIPTION http://edibrata.wordpress.com4 Being able to conduct a research is one of the academic competencies students have to master. Therefore, it becomes one of the requirements for students to graduate from the university. This is expected to cater for the knowledge and the ability to write a research on language teaching.

6  COMPETENCY STANDARD http://edibrata.wordpress.com5 The students have basic knowledge and skills to design, and to write a research on language teaching.

7  COURSE OUTLINE (1 of 2) http://edibrata.wordpress.com6 Sessions Topics 1 Syllabus Overview and Learning Contract 2 The Frame of Scientific Thinking 3 Determining Problem 4 Assumption and Hypothesis 5 Choosing Approach 6 Variable and Sampling (Population and Sample) 7 Instrument of the Research 8UTS

8  COURSE OUTLINE (2 of 2) http://edibrata.wordpress.com7 Sessions Topics 9 Data Verification: To Collect and To Analyze 10 The Guide of Report Paper of FKIP UNMA: Chapter I 11 The Guide of Report Paper of FKIP UNMA: Chapter II 12 The Guide of Report Paper of FKIP UNMA: Chapter III 13 The Guide of Report Paper of FKIP UNMA: Chapter IV 14 The Guide of Report Paper of FKIP UNMA: Chapter V 15 The Technique of Noting and Typing Report Paper of FKIP UNMA 16UAS

9  COURSE EVALUATION http://edibrata.wordpress.com8 Grading of this subject will consider the following items: 1.Attendance 2.Mid Term Test 3.Final Test 4.Assignments/ Class Activity : 30 % : 10 % *) Students are required to attend the course at least 80% and for those who cannot fulfill this requirement are not allowed to take the final test.

10  GRADING SCORE http://edibrata.wordpress.com9 86.00 – 100 71.00 – 85.99 56.00 – 70.99 41.00 – 55.99 00.00 – 40.99 : A : B : C : D (remedial at the given time) : E (study over)

11  REFERENCES http://edibrata.wordpress.com10 1.Sudjana, Nana. 1987. Tuntunan Penyusunan Karya Ilmiah, Makalah, Skripsi, Tesis Disertasi. Bandung: Sinar Baru. 2.Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 3.Hilmiyati, dkk. 2009. Panduan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah FKIP UNMA. Tidak dipublikasikan. 4.Brown, James Dean. 1988. Understanding Research in Second Language Learning. NY: Cambridge University Press.

12  REFERENCES http://edibrata.wordpress.com11 5.Wallace, Michael J.1998. Action Research for Language Teachers. London: Cambridge University Press. 6.Fraenkel, Jack E. and Wallen, Norman E. 1993. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw Hill. 7.Brown, James Dean, and Theodore S Rodgers.2002. Doing Second Language Research. New York: Oxford University Press

13  http://edibrata.wordpress.com12

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