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Elements of music.

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1 Elements of music

2 What are buildings made of?
Bricks concrete Beam

3 Music is made up of many different things called elements.
What is music made of? Music is made up of many different things called elements. When you compose a piece of music you use the elements of music to build it, just like a builder uses bricks, beams or concrete to build a house.

4 Which are the elements in music?
Melody Rhythm Harmony Texture Dynamics (volume) Timbre (instrumentation) After this slide. Activity 1.

5 Activity 1 Elements Instruments Rhythm Harmony Melody Voice Guitar

6 Melody Harmony It is created by playing a series of notes , one after the other. In general, harmony refers to the combination of notes played together (chords) . It is the accompaniment of the melody

7 Rhythm Texture Rhythm: The placement of the sounds in time in a piece of music Musical texture : number and type of layers of sound and how these layers are related. LET’S TRY!!!!

8 Activity 2 1-Janis Joplin 2- G.F. Handel 3- J.S.Bach

9 Dynamics Mezzopiano Moderately Soft Forte loud .
It tells to the musician to gradually get louder. Piano Soft Mezzoforte Moderately loud It tells the musician to gradually get …?….

10 Timbre Woodwinds Percussions Strings Brass

11 Activity 6 Harmony Melody Rhythm Dynamics Texture Timbre
1 J.S.Bach Bach: St. Matthew Passion. 2 J.S. Bach Suite No.1   3 Haggala. Passion For Percussion 4 Igor Stravinski The Firebird 5 G.F Händel.The Messiah. 6 F.Schubert. Quintet In A Major Harmony Melody Rhythm Dynamics Texture Timbre

12 Activity 7 Rhythm Harmony Melody

13 Activity 7 Dynamics Texture Timbre

14 Activity 8 Dynamics Timbre Texture Rhythm Melody
Degrees of loudness or softness in music are called…… When the same melody is played by one instrument and then by another, it takes on different expressive effects because of each instruments tone colour. Is the way the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition Can be defined as the particular arrangement of note lengths in a piece of music. Is a series of individual tones heard one after another Dynamics Timbre Texture Rhythm Melody

15 Activity 10 Timbre Rhythm Melody Texture Harmony Dynamics

16 Content and form Content Form

17 Form Definition Techniques The shape or structure of a piece of music.
Repetition Contrast Variation

18 Types Binary A B Ternary A B A

19 Content (genres) Classical Popular Vocal Instrumental Religious
Audience Instruments content Classical Popular Light Folkloric Genres Vocal Instrumental Religious Profane

20 Activity 14 Marvin Gaye. Ain’t no mountain high Vocal Popular light
According to the instruments According to the audience According to the content Vocal Popular light Profane Kirye Eleison. Requiem. W. A. Mozart According to the instruments According to the audience According to the content Religious Vocal Classical

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