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Presentation on theme: "SALES & MKTG. - CFA CELL TAMILNADU CIRCLE WELCOMES ALL PARTICIPANTS TO WEBINAR ON 06-07-2012."— Presentation transcript:



3 AGENDA a. Prepaid services: IN PREPAID - Target / Achievement 2012- 13. IN PREPAID - Target / Achievement 2012- 13. UITC /FLPP card - sales in 2010-11, 2011- 12 & 2012-13. UITC /FLPP card - sales in 2010-11, 2011- 12 & 2012-13. FLPP PCOs - Performance SSA wise during 2011-12 & 2012-13. FLPP PCOs - Performance SSA wise during 2011-12 & 2012-13. CSCs - Performance SSA wise during 2011- 12 & 2012- 13. CSCs - Performance SSA wise during 2011- 12 & 2012- 13. CM / CFA - Performance SSA wise during 2011-12 & 2012-13. CM / CFA - Performance SSA wise during 2011-12 & 2012-13.

4 b.Postpaid Services: IN POST PAID - Revenue target / Achievement during 2012-13. IN POST PAID - Revenue target / Achievement during 2012-13. FPH / VPN / UAN – Achievement in 2010- 11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 FPH / VPN / UAN – Achievement in 2010- 11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 Action taken by SSAs focusing on Corporate customers Action taken by SSAs focusing on Corporate customers AGENDA (contd.)

5 AGENDA (contd.) c. PCO & BSNL Shoppe/e PCOs : Target / achievement for 2012-13. Target / achievement for 2012-13. Comparison of working connection during Comparison of working connection during 2010-11,2011-12 & 2012-13 and reasons for 2010-11,2011-12 & 2012-13 and reasons for decline. decline. Remedial action to be taken to arrest the Remedial action to be taken to arrest the closures and achieve the targets assigned. closures and achieve the targets assigned. d. PRBT : Target / achievement for 2012-13. Target / achievement for 2012-13.

6 Target / Achievement - IN Prepaid 2012-13 SSA Target in Lakhs 2012-13 Target for Apr & May 2012 in Lakhs Target for Apr & May 2012 in Lakhs Achievement for Apr & May 2012 in Rs Achievement for Apr & May 2012 in Rs % OF ACHIEVEM ENT for April & May CSCDSAFranchiseeTotal CBT172.128.67826418103.2379137475504.216.63 CON23.3412273020434327076.54 CDL30.152832700283277.08 DPI13.52.230200030201.37 ERD38.86.62167484000300744.56 KKD24.541480000148003.70 KMB36.6676600076601.28 MA88.314.660069975782131017895712.26 NGC74.712.420560018390389503.14 PY83.9141111221430301254258.96 SLM508.42907800290783.46 TNJ47.284217600421765.27 TVL77.51318012104.1018116.11.39 TR23.5455725005572513.93 TT45.97.697150097151.28 VLR49.78.25674276710644137.86 VGR20.63.410140114510215916.35 Total90015057935715761043927111762387.84

7 IN Prepaid Target for Tamilnadu Circle for the Year 2012-13 Rs.900 Lakhs Achievement for April & May 2012 Rs.11.76 Lakhs Percentage of achievement 7.84

8 Top performing SSAs (More than Rs.1 Lakh) : Coimbatore SSA - Rs.4,75,504 /- Madurai SSA - Rs.1,78,954 /- Pondicherry SSA - Rs.1,25,425 /- Poor Performing SSAs (Less than Rs. 10,000) : Dharmapuri SSA - Rs.3,020 /- Kumbakonam SSA - Rs.7,660 /- Tuticorin SSA - Rs.9,715 /- IN Prepaid overall revenue 2012-13 of SSAs- A comparison

9 Comparison of UITC Card sales Performance in 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 (Sales in Rs) SSA Average sales per month during 2010- 11 Average sales per month during 2011- 12 Average sales per month during 2012- 13 Comparison of 2011-12 with 2010-11 in % Comparison of 2012-13 with 2010-11 in % CBT28966620439423090870.679.7 CDL7133328038915539.312.8 CON41745248841582759.637.9 DPI117557591151064.612.8 ERD4327228887610066.814.1 KKD6180715473740025.012.0 KMB12653419776383015.63.0 MA90205537742789859.630.9 NGC228558706111798030.97.9 PY49866465872073593.441.6

10 Contd., SSA Average sales per month during 2010- 11 Average sales per month during 2011- 12 Average sales per month during 2012- 13 Comparison of 2011-12 with 2010-11 in % Comparison of 2012-13 with 2010-11 in % SLM61693377481294861.221.0 TNJ12082431985916526.57.6 TVL8062047685775759.19.6 TR143087576571722540.312.0 TT4289416660485838.811.3 VLR3870015041342838.98.9 VGR32175248481030177.232.0 Total153473473163840702247.726.5

11 Comparison of FLPP Card sales Performance in 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 (Sales in Rs) SSA Average sales per month during 2010- 11 Average sales per month during 2011- 12 Average sales per month during 2012- 13 Comparison of 2011-12 with 2010-11 in % Comparison of 2012-13 with 2010-11 in % CBT171649405684554.839.9 CON458395852720.911.5 CDL91046256500968.755.0 DPI024900.00.0 ERD133328549893764.167.0 KKD2213070139.10.0 KMB232000.00.0 MA56639558786158198.7108.7 NGC56313553146863.126.1 PY73739570154197877.356.9

12 Contd., SSA Average sales per month during 2010- 11 Average sales per month during 2011- 12 Average sales per month during 2012- 13 Comparison of 2011-12 with 2010-11 in % Comparison of 2012-13 with 2010-11 in % SLM59663381155456.726.0 TNJ15491132931181385.876.3 TVL41912529124660.429.7 TR27873168561063860.538.2 TT0000.00.0 VLR48918318302877965.158.8 VGR1439732050.90.0 Total28452221079018037276.863.4

13 UITC Sales Comparison : In comparison with 2010-11 revenue, performance in 2011-12 has come down to 47.7 % and in 2012-13 further declined to 26.5 %. In comparison with 2010-11 revenue, performance in 2011-12 has come down to 47.7 % and in 2012-13 further declined to 26.5 %. Performance in KMB, NGC,TNJ,TVL,TT SSAs is less than 10 %. Performance in KMB, NGC,TNJ,TVL,TT SSAs is less than 10 %. Performance in CON, DPI, KKD, TR & VLR SSAs is between 10-20 %. Performance in CON, DPI, KKD, TR & VLR SSAs is between 10-20 %. Performance in remaining SSAs is also to be improved. Performance in remaining SSAs is also to be improved.

14 FLPP Sales Comparison : In comparison with 2010-11 revenue, performance in 2011-12 has come down to 76.8 % and in 2012-13 further declined to 63.4 %. In comparison with 2010-11 revenue, performance in 2011-12 has come down to 76.8 % and in 2012-13 further declined to 63.4 %. Nil achievement is observed in DPI, KKD, KMB, TT & VGR SSAs. Nil achievement is observed in DPI, KKD, KMB, TT & VGR SSAs. Performance of CBT, CON, NGC, SLM, TVL & TR SSAs is between 10 - 40%. Performance of CBT, CON, NGC, SLM, TVL & TR SSAs is between 10 - 40%.

15 Product – wise Performance of IN Prepaid during April & May 2012 SSA UITC in Rs SMART ITC in Rs FLPP in Rs TOTAL in Rs CSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANTOTAL CBT645751810337913700013689007826418103379137475504 CON112200204340001053001227302043432707 CDL18310000001001700283270028327 DPI3020000000003020003020 ERD1220000000947484000216748400030074 KKD1480000000000148000014800 KMB7660000000007660007660 MA557950000042749757821310600699757821310178957 NGC1757001839055002935002056001839038950 PY414700000069652143030111122143030125425

16 Contd., SSA UITC in Rs SMART ITC in Rs FLPP in Rs TOTAL in Rs CSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANCSCDSAFRANTOTAL SLM25895007500310800290780029078 TNJ1833000220002362600421760042176 TVL1541010401100024920018012104018116 TR34450000002127500557250055725 TT9715000000009715009715 VLR6855000004988776710567427671064413 VGR9150114510990000001014011451021591 Total36642529658417961145000211482127952213105793571576104392711176239

17 FLPP Performance connections-wise during April 2012 SSA No of FLPP PCO Average sales per month during 2011-12 Average sales per month during 2012-13 Revenue per connection Month 2011-12 Revenue per connection /Month 2012-13 CBT420940568452216 CON389585272514 CDL254625650092520 DPI142490180 ERD213854989374042 KKD93070340 KMB180000 MA92755878615816066 NGC36355314689941 PY124357015419784634 SLM87338115543918 TNJ19113293118137062 TVL80252912463216 TR87216856106381912 TT00000 VLR71431830287794540 VGR187320410 Total51342107901803724135

18 Nil sales of FLPP cards in DPI, KKD, KMB, TT & VGR SSAs Nil sales of FLPP cards in DPI, KKD, KMB, TT & VGR SSAs It is observed that revenue from 5134 FLPP PCOs in Tamilnadu Circle per month has been shown as Rs.2,10,790 during 2011-12 and Rs.1,80,372 during 2012-13. It is observed that revenue from 5134 FLPP PCOs in Tamilnadu Circle per month has been shown as Rs.2,10,790 during 2011-12 and Rs.1,80,372 during 2012-13. If all 5134 FLPP PCOs are in active stage the revenue would have gone to Rs.11 Lakhs approximately. If all 5134 FLPP PCOs are in active stage the revenue would have gone to Rs.11 Lakhs approximately. Minimum revenue per line per month should have been Rs.215 considering that every FLPP holder purchases Rs.300 R/C voucher with 30 days validity. But as per the chart revenue earned ranges only between Rs.12 to Rs.99. Minimum revenue per line per month should have been Rs.215 considering that every FLPP holder purchases Rs.300 R/C voucher with 30 days validity. But as per the chart revenue earned ranges only between Rs.12 to Rs.99. The reasons for low revenue may please be analyzed and it is to be verified whether FLPP PCOs as mentioned above in each SSA are active or not. The reasons for low revenue may please be analyzed and it is to be verified whether FLPP PCOs as mentioned above in each SSA are active or not.

19 Contribution of CSCs, DSAs & Franchisees in achieving Revenue Target April & May 2012 Revenue in Rs. Percentage of Achievement CSC5,79,35749.25 DSA1,57,61013.39 Franchisee4,39,27137.34 Total11,76,239100.00

20 DSA & FRANCHISEE PERFORMANCE – APR & MAY 12 SSADSAFRANCHISEE UITC SMART ITC FLPPTOTALUITC FLPPTOTAL CBT18103001810337913700379137 CON0000204340020434 CDL00000000 DPI00000000 ERD00840084000000 KKD00000000 KMB00000000 MA009757897578002131021310 NGC0000183900018390 PY0014303143030000 SLM00000000 TNJ00000000 TVL104001040000 TR00000000 TT00000000 VLR00767176710000 VGR1145100114510000 Total296580127952157610417961021310439271

21 Performance of CM / CFA Franchisees SSA SSA CM Fran., CFA Fran., Total fran., Fran., performed business during 2011-12 Fran., performed business during Apr&May 2012 CBT 1011132 CDL 61710 CON 20211 DPI 51610 ERD 50510 KKD 40400 KMB 50500 MA 1001001 NGC 51661 PY 31400 SLM 71800 TNJ 40420 TR 90900 TT 51600 TVL 41510 VLR 61700 VGR 50540 TOTAL 959104205

22 Performance of CM Franchisees No. of CM Franchisees - 95 No. of Franchisees performed - 5 CBE-2, CON-1, MA-1 & NGC-1) (CBE-2, CON-1, MA-1 & NGC-1) Performance of CFA Franchisees No. of CFA Franchisees - 9 No. of CFA Franchisees performed - 0

23 Name of the performed CM Franchisees April & May 2012 SSA Name of Franchisees Amount in Rs. CBT Bharat cell 3,75,768 CBT Silpa Agency 3,369 CON Bharat Cell 20,434 MA Venkateswara Agency 21,310 NGC Akilam Agency 18,390 TOTAL4,39,271

24 DSA SALES PERFORMANCE: UITC sales through DSAs are done in CBE & VGR SSAs only UITC sales through DSAs are done in CBE & VGR SSAs only FLPP sales through DSAs are done in ERD, PY, MA & VLR SSAs only. FLPP sales through DSAs are done in ERD, PY, MA & VLR SSAs only. No sales through DSAs in remaining 11 SSAs. No sales through DSAs in remaining 11 SSAs.

25 CSC PERFORMANCE – APR & MAY 2012 SSAUITC SMART ITC FLPPTOTAL% CBT645750136897826413.5 CON1122001053122732.1 CDL18310010017283274.9 DPI30200030200.5 ERD1220009474216743.7 KKD1480000148002.6 KMB76600076601.3 MA55795042746006910.4 NGC17570552935205603.5 PY4147006965211112219.2 SLM25895753108290785.0 TNJ1833022023626421767.3 TVL154101102492180123.1 TR34450021275557259.6 TT97150097151.7 VLR6855049887567429.8 VGR91509900101401.8 Total3664251450211482579357100.0

26 Top performing SSAs (More than Rs.1 Lakh) : Pondicherry SSA - Rs.1,11,122 /- Poor Performing SSAs (Less than Rs. 10,000) : Dharmapuri SSA - Rs.3,020 /- Kumbakonam SSA - Rs.7,660 /- Tuticorin SSA - Rs.9,715 /- Achievement of SSAs CSC performance IN Prepaid 2012-13

27 Comparison of performance of CSCs between Apr 11 & Apr12 Sl no. Name of SSA April 2011 April 2012 April 2012 Total CSCs in Circle No. of CSCs where No card sold No. of CSCs where Few cards sold No. of CSCs with poor performa nce Total CSCs in Circle No. of CSCs where No card sold No. of CSCs where Few cards sold No. of CSCs with poor perfor mance 1CBT268513 2611819 2CDL14628 149413 3DPI129211 1210111 4ERD136410 148412 5KKD9426 9718 6KMB5112 5404 7MA205611 209312 8NGC7134 7415 9CON4033 4303 10PY3202 3112 11SLM13538 138311 12TNJ11718 117310 13TR2312416 2316319 14TT6202 5303 15TVL12156 2516622 16VGR6011 6134 17VLR13819 1410212 TOTAL1977743120 21112743170

28 Month /Year No. of CSCs in Circle No of CSCs where no cards sold No. of CSCs where 1 or 2 cards sold Total April 20111977743120 April 201221112743170 Comparison of CSC Performance April 2011 & April 2012 April 2011 & April 2012

29 Guidelines to achieve targets I In the absence of facilities such as SMS etc., in Landline service,formation of OBD teams SDCA wise in all SSAs is becoming essential to contact customers individually over phone for promotion of the following services. Prepaid Services - UITC: 2.5 Lakhs SULAB Customers FLPP: 1.2 Lakhs Postpaid PCOs BSNL Shoppe & e-PCOs : 20,000 High Caller PCOs / N +1 PCOs PRBT: 3.01 Lakhs Customers in EWSD /5ESS Exchanges.

30 IN Prepaid: Distribution of targets CSC wise, CM / CFA Franchisee wise, DSA etc. wise and monitoring the performance on weekly basis. Distribution of targets CSC wise, CM / CFA Franchisee wise, DSA etc. wise and monitoring the performance on weekly basis. UITC : Contacting more than 4 Lakhs potential / SULAB customers by OBD teams for promotion of UITC cards. Contacting more than 4 Lakhs potential / SULAB customers by OBD teams for promotion of UITC cards. FLPP : It is feasible in all type of switches including C-DOT.It is feasible in all type of switches including C-DOT. No security deposit / minimum guarantee.No security deposit / minimum guarantee. Contacting more than 30,000 high calling PCOs / 5513 N +1 PCOs by OBD teams for promotion of FLPP cards.Contacting more than 30,000 high calling PCOs / 5513 N +1 PCOs by OBD teams for promotion of FLPP cards. Sale of recharge cards to the FLPP PCO holders at their doorsteps by DSAs.Sale of recharge cards to the FLPP PCO holders at their doorsteps by DSAs.

31 IN Postpaid Target for Tamilnadu Circle for the Year 2012-13 Rs.400 Lakhs Achievement for April & May 2012 Rs.23.46 Lakhs Percentage of achievement against 2 months(April & May) Target 35.2 %

32 POSTPAID REVENUE TARGET / ACHIEVEMENT 2012-13 SSA SSA POST PAID TARGET IN Lakhs 2012-13 POST PAID ACHIEVEMENT IN Rs. 2012-13 upto May 2012 FPHUANVPNTVTOTALFPHUANVPNTVTOTAL CBT24.504.9066.151.4396.98 2184450119,594 0 338,039 CDL4.350.8711.750.0016.97 104800111,134 0 121,614 CON1.720.344.640.296.99 224800 0 2,248 DPI8.351.6722.550.2932.85 91972010,714 0 102,686 ERD4.560.9112.310.2918.07 3867600 0 38,676 KKD1.750.354.730.006.83 68290121,708 0 128,537 KMB1.090.222.940.574.82 687500 0 6,875 MA10.602.1228.621.7143.05 7061013484112,246 0 196,340 NGC1.580.324.270.296.45 6818065,704 0 72,522 PY2.050.415.540.298.28 2461767420 0 31,359

33 Contd., SSA SSA POST PAID TARGET IN Lakhs 2012-13 POST PAID ACHIEVEMENT IN Rs. 2012-13 upto May 2012 FPHUANVPNTVTOTALFPHUANVPNTVTOTAL SLM SLM10.322.0627.860.8641.11 690552248651,336 0 722,639 TNJ TNJ2.060.415.560.578.61 1785400 0 17,854 TR TR11.152.2330.111.4344.91 133937080,494 0 214,431 TT TT3.100.628.370.8612.95 7648066,836 0 74,484 TVL TVL3.370.679.101.1414.29 25820674269,314 0 101,876 VLR VLR2.450.496.620.009.56 18260095,882 0 114,142 VGR VGR7.001.4018.900.0027.30 6442056,094 0 62,536 TOTAL1002027010400 75658629216156105602346858

34 Postpaid Physical Target /ach. 2012-13 SSA Target for 2012-13 Achievement for 2012-13 (Up to May 2012) FPHUANVPNTVTOTALFPHUANVPN TV TVTOTAL CBT12224245175 1 0 00 CDL2222026 0 0 0 00 CON933116 0 0 0 00 DPI4244151 0 0 0 00 ERD2344132 0 0 0 00 KKD933015 0 0 0 00 KMB522211 0 1 0 01 MA531313685 0 0 0 00 NGC822113 1 0 0 01 PY1022115 0 0 0 00

35 Contd., SSA Target for 2012-13 Achievement for 2012-13 (Up to May 2012) FPHUANVPNTVTOTALFPHUANVPN TV TVTOTAL SLM5288371 1 0 0 01 TNJ1022216 3 0 0 03 TR561313587 0 0 0 00 TT1544326 -2 0 0 0-2 TVL1744429 0 0 0 00 VGR VLR1233018 0 0 0 00 TOTAL500100100357354104

36 Observation Revenue Target / Achievement Postpaid IN (FPH, UAN, VPN & Televoting ) : Revenue Target for Tamilnadu Circle is Rs.4 Crores. Revenue Target for Tamilnadu Circle is Rs.4 Crores. Percentage of revenue achievement against the 2 months target for April & May 2012 is 35.2 only. Percentage of revenue achievement against the 2 months target for April & May 2012 is 35.2 only. Physical Target / Achievement Postpaid IN : Physical Target is 735. Physical Target is 735. Achievement is just 4 only for April & May 2012. Achievement is just 4 only for April & May 2012.

37 FPH ACHIEVEMENT 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13SSA Wkg.As on 31.03.10 Ach. 2010-11 Ach. 2011-12 Ach. 2012-13 Total closure Net Ach. Apr 10 - May 12 Wkg. As on 31-05- 2012 CBT14119151630 CON1100101 CDL2220224 DPI3300214 ERD3310225 KKD2240513 KMB1120212 MA106604818 NGC1200023 PY2341179 SLM779051118 TNJ3321158 TVL3440358 TR1198313718 TT1240423 VLR3360547 VGR1110112 Total68636265675143

38 VPN ACHIEVEMENT 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 SSA Wkg.As on 31.03.10 Ach. 2010-11 Ach. 2011-12 Ach. 2012- 13 Total closure Net Ach. Apr 10- May 12 Wkg. As on 31-05- 2012 CBT420033 CON0000000 CDL3000003 DPI0100011 ERD0000000 KKD3000003 KMB0000000 MA1000001 NGC3000003 PY0000000 SLM0100011 TNJ0000000 TVL200011 TR1000001 TT300012 VLR2000002 VGR2000002 Total24400523

39 Observation on FPH, UAN & VPN services during 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 upto May 2012 Services Connectio ns as on 31.03.201 0 ProvisionClosure Net Provision Net Provision Working as on 31.05.201 2 FPH681315675143 VPN244523 UAN05055 Heavy closures of 56 FPH connections is due to temporary connections provided during Local Body Elections 2011.

40 Corporate customers SSA SSA Corporate customers IN Postpaid services working as on 31.05.2012 CBT 47933 CDL 181 CON 167 DPI 365 ERD 625 KKD 86 KMB 212 MA 13721 NGC 46 PY 1710 SLM 6220 TNJ 48 TR 929 TT 5419 TVL 56 VLR 279 VGR 1284 TOTAL 1170171

41 IN Postpaid: Distribution of targets SA wise, CM / CFA Franchisee wise, DSA etc. wise and monitoring the performance on weekly basis. SSA level Core Group comprising the Udaan and BD executives with AGM Udaan as Chairman may approach all Corporate customers for promotion of IN Postpaid services. List of the above 1170 Corporate customers got from BD Cell of List of the above 1170 Corporate customers got from BD Cell of Circle Office was already conveyed to SSAs for marketing. Circle Office was already conveyed to SSAs for marketing. SSAs are requested to update the above list. SSAs are requested to update the above list. At present only 171 IN Postpaid connections are working in At present only 171 IN Postpaid connections are working in Tamilnadu Circle and there is a large scope to increase this base. Tamilnadu Circle and there is a large scope to increase this base. Guidelines to achieve targets

42 FPH: Target is 500 for 2012-13. Target is 500 for 2012-13. Achievement in 2012-13 (upto May 2012) is just 4. Achievement in 2012-13 (upto May 2012) is just 4. 143 FPH Connections are working in Tamilnadu Circle. 143 FPH Connections are working in Tamilnadu Circle. Average revenue per FPH per month per connection is Average revenue per FPH per month per connection is Rs.2700/- Rs.2700/-Analysis: 2 FPH connections are working in Chennai Silks and M/s 2 FPH connections are working in Chennai Silks and M/s Network Clothing Company in CBT SSA. CBT SSA is requested Network Clothing Company in CBT SSA. CBT SSA is requested to target many potential textile mills and cloth centers for to target many potential textile mills and cloth centers for FPH. Other SSAs may follow. FPH. Other SSAs may follow. 1 connection is working for Sri Kumaran Thanga Maligai, in 1 connection is working for Sri Kumaran Thanga Maligai, in CBT SSA. Other jewelries in Tamilnadu Circle are to be CBT SSA. Other jewelries in Tamilnadu Circle are to be approached for FPH. approached for FPH. Contd.,

43 1 connection is working for Aavin Co-op. Society in VLR SSA. 1 connection is working for Aavin Co-op. Society in VLR SSA. Other milk societies may be approached. Other milk societies may be approached. 3 connections are working for Municipal corporations in MA, 3 connections are working for Municipal corporations in MA, PY & TVL SSAs. Other Municipal corporations may be PY & TVL SSAs. Other Municipal corporations may be approached. approached. 21 NREGS & 1 DRDA connections are provided in some 21 NREGS & 1 DRDA connections are provided in some district H.Q. Other districts may be contacted by SSAs. district H.Q. Other districts may be contacted by SSAs. FPH connections are working for SBI- 2 (CBE & MA), & IOC- 3 FPH connections are working for SBI- 2 (CBE & MA), & IOC- 3 (CBE-1,SLM-2) & ING Vysya – 1(CBE) & LIC- 5 (CBE, MA, (CBE-1,SLM-2) & ING Vysya – 1(CBE) & LIC- 5 (CBE, MA, TNJ, TVL & VLR).Other such Govt./private banks & Insurance TNJ, TVL & VLR).Other such Govt./private banks & Insurance organizations may be approached by SSAs. organizations may be approached by SSAs. 1 connection is working for Dr.Kanagaraj of CBT SSA. Other 1 connection is working for Dr.Kanagaraj of CBT SSA. Other such potential medical professionals in Tamilnadu Circle are to such potential medical professionals in Tamilnadu Circle are to be approached. be approached. Remaining connections are working for Industries, Business Remaining connections are working for Industries, Business establishments, some individuals etc., are working establishments, some individuals etc., are working

44 VPN: Target is 100 for 2012-13. Target is 100 for 2012-13. Achievement in 2012-13 (upto May 2012) is Nil. Achievement in 2012-13 (upto May 2012) is Nil. 23 FPH Connections are working in Tamilnadu Circle. 23 FPH Connections are working in Tamilnadu Circle. Average revenue per FPH per month per connection is Average revenue per FPH per month per connection is Rs.35,000/- Rs.35,000/- Revenue per month of the VPN connection at Salem SSA is Revenue per month of the VPN connection at Salem SSA is Rs.3,25,000/- Rs.3,25,000/-Analysis: 2 VPN connections are working for collectorates in Krishnagiri 2 VPN connections are working for collectorates in Krishnagiri & Sivagangai revenue Districts.Remaining Districts are to be & Sivagangai revenue Districts.Remaining Districts are to be approached. approached. 9 VPN connections are working in the Office of superintendant 9 VPN connections are working in the Office of superintendant of Police at Sivagangai,Ramnad, Madurai, Nagerkoil, of Police at Sivagangai,Ramnad, Madurai, Nagerkoil, Tirunelveli,Tuticorin,Tiruvanamallai,Vellore & Virudunagar Tirunelveli,Tuticorin,Tiruvanamallai,Vellore & Virudunagar Districts. Remaining Districts are to be approached. Districts. Remaining Districts are to be approached. Contd.,

45 3 connections are working in hospitals, Apollo & Dr.Eye Care 3 connections are working in hospitals, Apollo & Dr.Eye Care in CBE SSA and Jayasekaran Hospital in NGC SSA. Other in CBE SSA and Jayasekaran Hospital in NGC SSA. Other potential hospitals may be approached. potential hospitals may be approached. 2 connections working for Tamilnadu Transport corporations 2 connections working for Tamilnadu Transport corporations in CBE & TR. Other Corporations may be approached. in CBE & TR. Other Corporations may be approached. 3 connections working for Customs Department in 3 connections working for Customs Department in Cuddalore, Kallakurichi & Virudhachalam. Offices in other Cuddalore, Kallakurichi & Virudhachalam. Offices in other districts may be approached. districts may be approached. 3 connections are working in LG Equipments of CBE SSA, 3 connections are working in LG Equipments of CBE SSA, Vijayalakshmi Cashews of NGC SSA and Arasan Fire works of Vijayalakshmi Cashews of NGC SSA and Arasan Fire works of VGR SSA. Many such commercial establishments may be VGR SSA. Many such commercial establishments may be approached. approached.

46 PCOs Target for Tamilnadu Circle for the Year 2012-13Zero Achievement for April & May 2012 -3640 connections

47 BSNL Shopee/e-PCO Target for Tamilnadu Circle for the Year 2012-13 5697 Achievement for April & May 2012 -325

48 PCO base in Tamilnadu Circle as on 31/05/2012 Type of PCO Working as on 31/05/2012 PCO123459 FLPP PCO5134 WLL PCO16215 N+1 PCO5513 BSNL Shopee16142

49 Target /Achievement of PCO,BSNL Shoppe and e PCO 2012-2013 (Upto May 2012) SSA PCO PCO BSNL Shopee / e PCOs BSNL Shopee / e PCOs TargetProvisionClosure Net Ach. TargetProvisionClosure CBT068914-846968000 CDL026222-196284000 DPI07133-126408000 ERD051160-109470000 KKD0378-75139000 KMB044199-155290000 MA023393-370726000 NGC0976-67163000 NIL0335-32110000 PY0420-16112092-92 SLM0247496-2496430233-233 TNJ01950-31205000 TR0109692-583157000 TT014103-89315000 TVL025223-198237000 VGR0090-90189000 VLR049457-408280000 TOTAL07014341-364056970325-325

50 Working connections of PCOs & BSNL Shopee / e PCOs SSAs PCO BSNL SHOPEE / e PCO Working as on Jan2010 Working as on Mar2011 Working as on May2012 Working as on Jan2010 Working as on Mar2011 Working as onMay2012 CBT268741803612385138722342192 CDL1063168214587330330330 DPI1002172986431449449449 ERD1252892818235117213771426 KKD716151203233418394394 KMB1059196784266252272275 MA173231426113533784755772 NGC499938572558199199199 NIL427331692786787478 PY52785098504454920 SLM17275131549238474749154915 TNJ10811993296722332330 TR269732236317338446446446 TT602344063756156176178 TVL1148675495747616645645 VGR500631062390126131133 VLR142391219010826338533853385 TOTAL201492155319122025148321610715817

51 Decline of PCO base - 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 YearProvisionClosure Net Ach. 2010-11664948246-41597 2011-12654336197-29654 2012-137014341-3640 YearProvisionClosure 2010-115544021-3466 2011-125453016-2471 2012-133512171-1820 Decline Rate per month

52 Achievement of BSNL Shoppe / e PCO - 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 YearProvisionClosure Net Ach. 2010-111055135920 2011-1214611135 2012-130325-325 YearProvisionClosure 2010-11881177 2011-121293 2012-130163-163 Achievement Rate per month

53 Observation on PCOs & BSNL Shoppe / e-PCOs PCOs : Average provision of PCOs per month is in the order of 500 during 2010-11 & Average provision of PCOs per month is in the order of 500 during 2010-11 & 2011-12, whereas it has come down to 350 during the months of April & May 2011-12, whereas it has come down to 350 during the months of April & May 2012. 2012. Average closure per month is 4021 during 2010-11. It is happy to see that Average closure per month is 4021 during 2010-11. It is happy to see that the average rate of closure has come down to 3016 during 2011-12 and 2171 the average rate of closure has come down to 3016 during 2011-12 and 2171 during the months of April & May 2012. during the months of April & May 2012. To Achieve Target: Distribution of targets SA wise, CM / CFA Franchisee wise, DSA etc. wise Distribution of targets SA wise, CM / CFA Franchisee wise, DSA etc. wise We may utilize the provision of Navitel payphone to balance the decline. We may utilize the provision of Navitel payphone to balance the decline. In SLM SSA Navitel payphones are being provided in Mobile banned In SLM SSA Navitel payphones are being provided in Mobile banned locations such as residential schools, hostels, hospitals etc., These locations such as residential schools, hostels, hospitals etc., These connections fetch high ARPU in the range of Rs.3,000/- connections fetch high ARPU in the range of Rs.3,000/- Hence other SSAs may identify such locations and convey to this office for Hence other SSAs may identify such locations and convey to this office for arranging the installation of Payphone by M/s Navitel. arranging the installation of Payphone by M/s Navitel.

54 BSNL Shoppe and e PCOs: BSNL Shoppe and e PCOs: Average provision of BSNL Shoppes/e PCOs per month is 88 during 2010-11, Average provision of BSNL Shoppes/e PCOs per month is 88 during 2010-11, whereas it has come down to 12 during 2011-12 and Nil during the months whereas it has come down to 12 during 2011-12 and Nil during the months of April & May 2012. of April & May 2012. The average closure per month is 11 during 2010-11. It has come down to 9 The average closure per month is 11 during 2010-11. It has come down to 9 during 2011-12 and increased to 163 during the months of April & May 2012 during 2011-12 and increased to 163 during the months of April & May 2012 To Achieve Target: OBD teams are to contact high calling PCOs & PCOs having sufficient space OBD teams are to contact high calling PCOs & PCOs having sufficient space for the promotion of BSNL Shoppe / e-PCOs. for the promotion of BSNL Shoppe / e-PCOs.

55 SSA Wkg. Cons. in PRBT exc. Conn. as on 30/6/2 012 % of PRBT provisio n as on 30/6/201 2 Target for 2012- 13. Conn. as on 31.03.12 Ach in 201 2-13 % of Achi eve men t CBT 71000 3652 5.1467403715-63-0.93 MA 73250 5009 6.8480405039-30-0.37 NGC 9000 231 2.571040236-5-0.48 CON 1500 68 4.531706710.59 SLM 47979 3480 7.2527503623-143-5.2 TR 82320 829 1.0110090809200.2 TT 27448 556 2.033220599-43-1.34 VGR 1461 45 3.081504321.33 Total 313958138704.423220014131-261-0.81 Target / Ach for Land line PRBT for 2012-13

56 Status of PRBT: Land line PRBT was launched in 17 EWSD / 5ESS Exchanges of 8 Land line PRBT was launched in 17 EWSD / 5ESS Exchanges of 8 SSAs in Tamilnadu Circle on 31.03.2010. SSAs in Tamilnadu Circle on 31.03.2010. 3,13,958 connections are working in these exchanges as on 30.06.2012 3,13,958 connections are working in these exchanges as on 30.06.2012 13,870 connections are provided with PRBT during the years 2010-11, 13,870 connections are provided with PRBT during the years 2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 (Upto June 2012) 2011-12 & 2012-13 (Upto June 2012) Top performed SSAs: SLM – 7.25 % SLM – 7.25 % MA - 6.8 % MA - 6.8 % Poor performed SSAs: TR – 1.01 % TR – 1.01 % TT - 2.03 % TT - 2.03 %

57 Target & Achievement : 32,200 is the target assigned for Tamilnadu circle 32,200 is the target assigned for Tamilnadu circle during 2012-13. during 2012-13. Achievement up to June 2012 is minus 261. Achievement up to June 2012 is minus 261. OBD teams are to contact all customers to get their willingness along with OBD teams are to contact all customers to get their willingness along with name of songs opted as being done in MA SSA. name of songs opted as being done in MA SSA. Corporate / NGO / Trusts and other associates are to be contacted to register their signature tune as ring back tone for enrolling them as PRBT customers which may improve the customer base. Corporate / NGO / Trusts and other associates are to be contacted to register their signature tune as ring back tone for enrolling them as PRBT customers which may improve the customer base.



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