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L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y. Img. 1 Webtrak can be accessed by a link on the ICAT Logistics Inc homepage OR by going to

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1 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y

2 Img. 1 Webtrak can be accessed by a link on the ICAT Logistics Inc homepage OR by going to Img. 1 Shipments

3 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Img. 2 Login by entering the assigned username and password. Shipments Customers are given a Webtrak username and password after they have a credit application approved. This MUST go through the Accounts Receivable department first. I.T. will be notified by the accounts receivable department once they have completed the credit process. Img. 2

4 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments From the main menu screen several options can be selected. Shipments can be created or tracked, quotes can be entered or created and reports can be run.

5 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments Img. 3 From the Shipment Tracking & Entry board a shipment can be created by selecting add shipment from the drop down and then filling in the info. **once a customer has created a new shipment the operator will receive an email letting them know it has been created. Img. 3 Img. 4 By selecting “Track” the public tracking information screen can be accessed. Img. 5 To access the shipment details click “Select ” Img. 4 Img. 5

6 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments This is the tracking board. From this board more detailed shipment information as well public tracking notes can be viewed for a specific shipment.

7 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments This is the top half of the shipment update board. This is where the shipment information would be entered. Customers can make changes on this board while the shipment is still in “web” status.

8 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments Img. 6 This is the bottom half of the shipment update board. Across the bottom is a series of buttons that can be selected allowing for the shipment to be submitted, another shipment to be created or to view various documents, tracking notes, or setup email notifications. Img. 5

9 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments Across the tope of the shipment update board are several tabs. This particular tab can be used to upload files to the shipment. For instance – a commercial invoice or packing list could be uploaded here. Documents that are uploaded by a customer will flow through to the shipment in 2.0. Document uploads work both ways. If the operator uploads a document to the shipment file in 2.0 and marks it as public this document will become available to the shipment in webtrak.

10 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Shipments Additionally select types of documents can be viewed from the documents tab, allowing the customer to print the house air bill and labels.

11 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y QUOTES The quote board allows the webtrak user to request a quote from the operator or to view quotes currently entered. Img. 6 Img 6. The webtrak user can “select” book to turn a shipment into a quote.

12 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y QUOTES The shipment board must have all areas marked with a red asterisk completed in order for the customer to submit the quote. Img. 7 Img 7 shipper & consignee information that is stored in the address book can be retrieved using the “get shippper” or “get consignee” buttons.

13 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y QUOTES Pickup, delivery, and special instruction information can be entered at the bottom of the quote entry screen.

14 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Another feature of webtrak is the address book. Shippers & consignees can be stored in the “maintain names and addresses” section and then selected while in a shipment or quote. Additionally these names can be edited from this screen and new ones added or deleted at any time. Img. 8 Img 8. To add a new contact click on “Add S/C Info”

15 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y Once the add S/C info tab has been selected another screen will populate. All information marked with an asterisk must be completed prior to submitting the new contact.

16 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y From the main screen the POD Report can be selected. This report allows the webtrak user to view POD Names, dates, and times for shipments based on a range of information such as dates, services level, and shipment type.

17 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y The Report Manager option is another feature that can be used to allow webtrak users to pull reports from webtrak. Reports can be pulled by a specific date range and shipment type. Additionally multiple criteria in the drop down menu can be selected by clicking on the item with the mouse and holding the “CTRL” button the keyboard at the same time. The information from these reports will show up beneath the report manager and can be exported to a csv file by selecting the “Export to CSV File” button.

18 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y The quote request feature can be used to obtain a quick base quote by a webtrak user. They can add additional pieces and weight by selecting the add more button. Additional accesorials can be added as well by selecting “Add Additional Special Services” However if the customer does not have a tariff on file – no rates will be able to populate for this feature.

19 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y From the main menu default special instructions and default commodities can be entered to help reduce keystrokes for those webtrak users who consistently ship the same items or have the same special instructions.

20 L e a r n I n g... T h e I C A T W a y The final item on the webtrak menu is the LTL Rater. Webtrak users can use this rater to obtain LTL rate quotes.


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