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风中烛(英格兰的玫瑰) (歌词) 1 Music by Elton John Candle in the wind (England's rose)

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2 风中烛(英格兰的玫瑰) (歌词) 1 Music by Elton John Candle in the wind (England's rose)

3 2 Goodbye England's rose; may you ever grow in our hearts You were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart. 别了,英格兰的玫瑰, 愿你永远活在我们心中 哪里的生活支离破碎 那里便有你的恩惠降临

4 3 You called out to our country, and you whispered to those in pain. Now you belong to heaven, and the stars spell out your name. 你向我们的国家大声疾呼, 而对痛苦中的人们柔声细语 如今你进入了天堂 星星谱写着你的名字

5 4 And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind: never fading with the sunset when the rain set in. 对我,你却永远活着 像风中的蜡烛: 永不会似降雨时的落日般 消逝

6 5 En je voetstappen zullen altijd afdalen hier langs Englands groenste heuvels; And your footsteps will always fall here, along England's greenest hills, 你的足迹将沿着英格兰翠绿的山丘 永远留在这里

7 6 your candle's burned out long before your legend ever will. 你的烛光早已熄灭 而你的传奇却将永世长存

8 7 Loveliness we've lost, these empty days without your smile. 我们失去了你可爱的容颜 这些没有你的笑容的日子是何等苍白.

9 8 This torch we'll always carry for our nation's golden child. 我们将永远高举你的火炬 为了我国的孩子们的金色童年

10 9 And even though we try, the truth brings us to tears, all our words cannot express the joy you brought us through the years. 不管我们多么竭尽全力 真相带给我们的只有眼泪 我们的一切语言都无法表达 这些年来你带给我们的喜悦

11 10 And it seems to me you lived your live Like a candle in the wind; Never fading whith the sunset When the rain set in. 对我,你却永远活着。。。 (以下重复)

12 11 And your footsteps will always fall here, Along England's greenest hills, En je voetstappen zullen altijd afdalen hier langs Englands groenste heuvels,

13 12 Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will. Je kaarsen zullen lang opgebrand zijn voordat je legende zal eindigen.

14 13 Goodbye England's rose May you ever grow in our hearts. You were the grace that placed itself Where lives were torn apart. Vaarwel Englands Roos Moge je voor altijd in onze harten groeien. Je was de vanzelfsprekende gratie Daar waar levens gescheiden werden.

15 14 Goodbye England's Rose, From a country lost without your soul, Who'll miss the wings of your compassion More than you'll ever know. 别了,英格兰的玫瑰 我们的国家因没有了你的灵魂而惶惶不安 想得到你同情的翅膀庇护的人 远比你知道的要多得多

16 15 And your footsteps will always fall here, Along England's greenest hills, En je voetstappen zullen altijd afdalen hier langs Englands groenste heuvels;

17 16 Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will. Je kaarsen zullen lang opgebrand zijn voordat je legende zal eindigen.

18 17. And your footsteps will always fall here, Along England's greenest hills, En je voetstappen zullen altijd afdalen hier langs Englands groenste heuvels,

19 18 Your candle's burned out long before Your legend ever will. Je kaarsen zullen lang opgebrand zijn voordat je legende zal eindigen. 完

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