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Boost Student Engagement and Motivation In Your Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Boost Student Engagement and Motivation In Your Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boost Student Engagement and Motivation In Your Classroom

2 Today’s Webinar Student Motivation Activities for Engaged Learning

3 Today’s Webinar Student Motivation Activities for Engaged Learning

4 Motivation: To be moved to do something The degree to which a student puts effort into and focus on learning in order to experience success

5 Four Critical Factors in Student Motivation Competence/Mastery Autonomy Value/Interest Relatedness (Bandura, 1996; Dweck, 2010; Pintrich, 2003; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Seifert, 2004)

6 Competence and Mastery Students feel capable of accomplishing what is required of them. Teacher knows content and delivers instruction effectively. Specific learning goals are clearly communicated. Students have adequate time for practice and application. Students receive effective feedback.

7 Autonomy and Control Choices Time to explore content Students set learning goals Variety of materials and resources for learning

8 Value and Interest Model interest and enthusiasm Get to know what your students are interested in Make connections between learning and real-life Facilitate intrinsic motivation Use variety

9 Relatedness The need to feel a part of a group Appropriate interactions with others Learning is social

10 Student Engagement Student willingness, need, desire, and compulsion, to participate in, and be successful in the learning process. (Bomia, Beluzo, Demeester, Elander, Johnson, & Sheldon, 1997)

11 Benefits of Student Engagement Increased motivation Greater attention and focus Retention of learning Enhanced ability to transfer learning to multiple contexts

12 Classroom Engagement During a lesson, aim to engage students 90-100% of the time. Lessons where students are engaged 50% of the time or less are an ineffective use of instructional time. Wasting just 5 minutes a day will add up to 15 hours of lost instructional time in the course of a 180 day school year.


14 The Engaged Classroom All students are authentically engaged at least some of the time or most of students are authentically engaged most of the time. Ritual compliance and re- treatism is rarely observed and rebellion is non-existent.

15 The Well Managed Classroom Compliant and orderly classroom Picture of traditional education Most students appear to be working Little evidence of rebellion Retreatism is a real danger

16 The Pathological Classroom Students are off-task Retreatism and rebellion are easy to observe Some degree of authentic, ritual, and passive engagement Teacher spends most of time dealing with rebelling students rather than teaching

17 Great Big Piece of Advice…

18 Activities for Increased Engagement

19 Pretest with a Partner One test One pencil One computer Similar to posttest Not scored Teacher circulates around the room

20 Immediate Response (5-7 second wait-time) Stand Up – Sit Down Thumbs Up – Thumbs Down Secret Answer

21 Response Cards (5-10 second wait-time) Agree/Disagree True/False Yes/No Multiple Choice Greater Than/Less Than Emotions

22 Pause and Process (10:2) Think-Pair-Share Quick Writes One Word Splash Quick Draw

23 Think-Pair-Share Ask students to reflect on question or prompt Give them time to process (30 seconds) Turn to partner Discuss Responses Share Response

24 Gallery Walk Students walk to see other student responses/ideas Whiteboard on desk Chart paper around the room Procedures in place Time to discuss

25 End of Lesson Responses A-Z Topic Summary Individually In pairs 3-2-1 3 Facts I learned 2 Questions 1 Opinion

26 Find Your Match Rhyming Words Uppercase/Lowercase Antonyms/Synonyms Words/Definitions Problem/Solution Words/Pictures

27 Dictation Multisensory (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactile) Increases Working Memory Integrates all Language Skills/Modalities –Listening –Speaking –Writing –Reading

28 Building Vocabulary During Dictation/Instruction Always use the word in context. Quick Check for understanding (1,2,3). 1 = The word is new to me 2 = Kind of familiar or I could probably figure it out in context 3 = I understand this word and use this word in my writing

29 Questions?


31 Clubhouse


33 Mini Games



36 Teacher Preview



39 Common Core Report

40 Questions?

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