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MathMagic Mathematical Magic When Math meet Magic, can you work it out? 11121762 Chen Tianyu 12122184 Liu Sheng 12122538 Lin Zhixia 13123435 Huang Renteng.

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Presentation on theme: "MathMagic Mathematical Magic When Math meet Magic, can you work it out? 11121762 Chen Tianyu 12122184 Liu Sheng 12122538 Lin Zhixia 13123435 Huang Renteng."— Presentation transcript:

1 MathMagic Mathematical Magic When Math meet Magic, can you work it out? 11121762 Chen Tianyu 12122184 Liu Sheng 12122538 Lin Zhixia 13123435 Huang Renteng

2 Introduction 1 2 3 Math+Magic=? 27 card thick. Talking jokers. The voice controlled path mystery. Math+Magic=? Math+Magician=?

3 27 Card Trick. 1 volunteer needed!

4 Explanation 27 different situations. W.L.O.G, we assume the card is the a th card, counting from top to bottom. The card must be the [a/3] th card of the (a mod 3) pile. [x] means the minimal integer lager than x. 147101316192225 258111417202326 369121518212427

5 Explanation After the 1 st round, a th->b th. After the 2 nd round, b th->c th. … +9 Put in middle. +9 Put in bottom. +9

6 Middle, bottom, middle. Explanation 3^3=27,so this equals to 1. Bottom, top, bottom.

7 Ternary( 三进制 ). Explanation 12345…24252627 000001002010011…212220221222 0 stands for top, 1 stands for middle and 2 stands for bottom. It should be read in reverse (eg. 221 means middle, bottom, bottom).

8 Talking jokers. 2 volunteers needed!

9 Explanation Joker 1 Joker 2 x th y th m n First we should remember the number : x & y 0<x<18,18<y<36

10 Explanation m th card, you guys have seen what is the number and the patterm of it m n m+n th card, you guys have seen what is the number and the patterm of it

11 Explanation After we put them together, what can you find out ? Joker 1 Joker 2 n m y-m th x+n th

12 Explanation counting the number of y-m and x+n + we have already knew the number of x and y = the number of m and n

13 Explanation Counting the cards & find out the m+n th and n th card Joker 1 Joker 2 n m n th m+n th

14 Just an arithmetical thing! Explanation

15 The voice controlled path mystery.

16 Thank you!

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