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Day 1 1. List all words that would describe the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1 1. List all words that would describe the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 1 1. List all words that would describe the following:
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division 2. Write the following as algebraic expressions: a.) the sum of p and 8 b.) three less than b c.) the sum of twice a number and 31 d.) nine less than five times a number Sum Added to Plus More than Difference Subtracted from Minus Less than Product Multiplied by Times Twice Quotient Divided by p + 8 b – 3 2n+31 5n – 9

2 I can write an algebraic expressions.
1.1 Using variables in expressions 1.2 Exponents & Order of Operations I can write an algebraic expressions. I can simplify numerical expressions using order of operations. I can evaluate expressions. I can define a variable and write an expression/equation. Don’t forget to write this “I Can” in your target sheet. (Bold words above are to signal those words were listed as an objective on the pre-test)

3 Variable - A symbol that represents one or more numbers.
1.1 Using variables in expressions 1.2 Exponents & Order of Operations Variable - A symbol that represents one or more numbers. Algebraic Expression - A mathematical phrase that can include numbers, variables, and operation symbols.

4 Ex 1. Write the following algebraic expressions in words: a.) h + 7
b.) 6 – p c.) 5d + 2 i.e. The sum of h and seven i.e. p less than six i.e. the sum of two and the product of five and d Ex 2. Define the variables and write an equation for the following: a.) total income from selling tickets to a school play for $5 each b.) the total cost is a number of packages of gum times $0.30 c.) the volume of a rectangular box is the product of length, width, and height. i.e. T = total income n = number of tickets T = 5n i.e. T = total cost n = number of packages T = 0.30n i.e. V = volume l = length w = width h = height V = lwh

5 Simplify - put a numerical expression in its simplest form.
Exponent - tells you how many times a number is multiplied by itself. Base - the number that is the factor. (the bottom #) Power - the combination of a base and exponent.

6 exponent base POWER

7 Order of Operations Work with what’s in parentheses .
Simplify powers (exponents). Multiply and divide in order from left to right. Add and subtract in order from left to right. P E M D A S lease Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction xcuse y ear unt ally

8 Ex. 1 Simplify 26 111 10

9 Evaluate - substituting a given number for each variable and then using the order of operations to simplify. for a=7 and b=4. HELP!

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