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Geometry Mini-Lesson (1, −2) (1, 4) (−2, −4) (−2, −10)

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2 Geometry Mini-Lesson (1, −2) (1, 4) (−2, −4) (−2, −10)
On the coordinate plane at right quadrilateral PQRS has vertices with integer coordinates. Quadrilateral EFGH is congruent to quadrilateral PQRS. Which of the following could be possible coordinates for point G? (1, −2) (1, 4) (−2, −4) (−2, −10) MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

3 Geometry Mini-Lesson Quadrilateral RSTU, shown at right, has integer coordinates. Which of the following arguments correctly answers and justifies the question: "Is quadrilateral RSTU a regular quadrilateral?" Yes, it is a regular quadrilateral because all sides are the same length. Yes, it is a regular quadrilateral because the diagonals are perpendicular. No, it is not a regular quadrilateral because RSTU is not a parallelogram. No, it is not a regular quadrilateral because the diagonals are not the same length. MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

4 Geometry Mini-Lesson Yes, both are rectangles.
Quadrilateral QRST and quadrilateral WXYZ, shown at right, both have integer coordinates. Are quadrilateral QRST and quadrilateral WXYZ similar quadrilaterals? Yes, both are rectangles. No, although the corresponding angles are congruent, the rectangles are not the same size. Yes, corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides have the same scale factor. No, although the corresponding angles are congruent, quadrilateral WXYZ is not a reflection of quadrilateral QRST. MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

5 (0, −6) (0, 0) (2, −6) (5, −6) Geometry Mini-Lesson
Quadrilateral MNOP is similar to quadrilateral QRST. Which of the following could be possible coordinates for point R? (0, −6) (0, 0) (2, −6) (5, −6) MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

6 Geometry Mini-Lesson (0, 6) (2, 6) (4, 4) (7, 5)
Quadrilateral TUVW is similar to quadrilateral HIJK. Which of the following could be possible coordinates for point W ? (0, 6) (2, 6) (4, 4) (7, 5) MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

7 Geometry Mini-Lesson Quadrilateral HIJK and quadrilateral LMNO,
shown below, both have integer coordinates. Are quadrilateral HIJK and quadrilateral LMNO similar quadrilaterals? Yes, both are rectangles. No, although the corresponding angles are congruent, the rectangles are not the same size. Yes, corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides have the same scale factor. No, although the corresponding angles are congruent, quadrilateral LMNO is not a reflection of quadrilateral HIJK. MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

8 Geometry Mini-Lesson Which of the following arguments correctly answers and justifies the question: "Is quadrilateral DEFG a regular quadrilateral?" Yes it is a regular quadrilateral because all sides are the same length. No, it is not a regular quadrilateral because opposite sides are parallel. Yes, it is a regular quadrilateral because the diagonals are perpendicular. No, it is not a regular quadrilateral because the diagonals are not the same length. MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

9 Geometry Mini-Lesson (−3, 2) (−3, −8) (−6, −1) (−6, −11)
Quadrilateral WXYZ is congruent to quadrilateral ABCD. Which of the following could be possible coordinates for point Y? (−3, 2) (−3, −8) (−6, −1) (−6, −11) MA.912.G.3.3: Use coordinate geometry to prove properties of congruent, regular, and similar quadrilaterals

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