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Computer 7 My Electronic Portfolio Jasmine Nevins.

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1 Computer 7 My Electronic Portfolio Jasmine Nevins

2 Spread Sheets I learned how to make a spread sheet. While working on this we had to make and fly paper airplanes. We had to see which one could travel the farthest. Each group made two models. Although my group was not the winning tem we had a lot of fun.

3 My Spread Sheet

4 Data Bases Data bases was also fun. We had to choose some of our friends and make up an address,city, state, zip code, phone number, birthday, email address, and if they had any pets or not.

5 My Access Database Address Book Last Name First Name AddressCity Stat e Zip Code Phone Number Birthd ay Email Any Pets FranksShay101 DalmationsPelamAL32180746-972- 8747 7/9/90LuvU@344Yes FranksLaMarion14 ParkwayTuscaloos a AL35401770-298- 9257 6/26/89N/ANo GaddisBrittney55 SmithAlabasterME64521934-737- 9361 11/11/1 1 N/AYes JonesTravis123 CoolMan laneHomewoo d AL54521989-211- 9113 3/4/79cutie wit boottee@ 320 Yes McMulle n Jasmine56 DiamondsHooverAL35216314-609- 5554 1/16/89N/ANo ParkerKarmen989 DollarsChattanoo ga GA79154770-739- 7430 8/30/54Dunnluva@989No PearlCrystal102 Hay CourtTuscaloos a AL35401205-333- 2511 11/30/8 9 coolgirl@333Yes ShellDonna377 Paradise Apt.HonoluluHI65417019-970-3428/6/72N/ANo SkyDeWayn e 777 Riverchase Apt. Birmingha m AL35216205-402- 4434 90/8/89N\ANo SmallKevin439 Huckleberry Lane AtlantaGA75201770-739- 7822 4/22/88Holla Back young'n@439 Yes SmithBrittney819 Grand BallAlicevilleAl21637421-403- 2691 2/23/98N/ANo WalkerLaKendri ck 320 Dunn CountyDallasTX76012575-321- 7654 11/1/87Cash Money@320Yes

6 Word Processing Word Processes was when we made a calendar for the month of February. It was my first time making one but it was fin and easy. I learned how to make shadings and all sorts of other stuff. It was really fun. At times it got a little hard. When it did I just asked my neighbor Karmen Cobb.

7 My Calendar February Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 2425262728

8 My Animation An animation is when you take a picture and change it to make it look like it is moving. This was the most fun of all. I had never knew how to make an animation until now. It is very fun. Then we had to go to another computer and put them all together.Now when I do my slide show it actually moves by itself.

9 My Animation

10 Power Point Presentation Before I started this class I already had experience with power point. I also already have a portfolio I just wanted to make an electric on one to make it seem more interesting. I really had a lot of fun making my new electric portfolio. This is y power point presentation.

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