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Are you ready for the Common Core State Standards? Please complete the survey as you wait Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready for the Common Core State Standards? Please complete the survey as you wait Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready for the Common Core State Standards? Please complete the survey as you wait Welcome!

2 Fishbowl… There’s a fishbowl with 200 fish and 99 percent are guppies. How many guppies do you need to remove to get to the point where 98 percent of the remaining fish are guppies?

3 Common Core… District Tools Tools being created: Standards for Mathematical Practice posters for every classroom Support pages for 3 rd – 5 th Pacing Guides will include Standards for Practice talking points Principal “Look For's” (Practices) Monthly Newsletter (District)

4 National Assessment Info… 2011-12 School Year: Development begins 2012-13 School Year: First year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection 2013-14 School Year: Second year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection 2014-15 School Year: Full operational administration Summer 2015: Set achievement levels, including college- ready performance levels

5 National Assessment Info… Adaptive Computer based Through course and end of course Framework for quarter-by-quarter assessments currently in the works

6 What should I do… With my K- 2 teachers right now? In August? With my 3-5 teachers right now? In August?

7 Resources- I will email these and post on the wiki! National Common Core Standards Curriculum Maps PARCC - Assessment Consortia

8 Planning Guides “Pacing guides are not an inherently bad idea…the best pacing guides emphasize curriculum guidance instead of prescriptive pacing; these guides focus on central ideas and provide links to exemplary curriculum materials, lessons, and instructional strategies.” ASCD

9 Nuts and Bolts … Planning Guides What will teachers get? K-2 Teachers: A copy of the Common Core State Standards for their grade level A copy of the new Planning Guide When will they get it? Teams of K-2 Teachers who attend the Common Core Training this summer will get enough materials for their school. (The number of packets needed for each school will be based on information provided on the Common Core Summer PD Application (found on the Elementary Math Wiki).


11 Classrooms 165 Susan and Amy 36 Drew and Marilyn

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