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Human Development By: Brittani Beckman and Jessica Grier.

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1 Human Development By: Brittani Beckman and Jessica Grier

2 First Week of Growth During the first week the ovum is in the uterine tube. The ovum is in a form of a sac. The outer wall of the sac consists of a layer of trophoblast. Inside the sac is a thin layer of mesoderm composed of round, oval, and spindle-shaped cells.

3 Second Week of Growth By the end of this week the ovum has increased considerably in size, and the majority of its villi are vascularized. The embryo has developed a definite form, and its cephalic and caudal extremities are easily distinguished. The neural folds are partly united, and the embryo is completely separated from the yolk-sac.

4 Third Week of the Human Embryo By the end of the third week the embryo is strongly curved. Divisions of the brain are visible. Optic and auditory vesicles are formed.

5 Fourth Week of Growth The embryo is markedly curved on its side. When viewed it is almost circular in outline. The cerebral hemispheres appear as hollow buds, and the elevations which form the basics of the auricula are visible. The limbs now appear as oval flattened projections.

6 Fifth Week of Growth The embryo is less curved by the fifth week. The head is relatively a large size. Differentiation of the limbs into their segments occur The nose is short and flat.

7 Sixth Week of Growth The curve of the embryo is more diminished. The branchial grooves, except for the first, have disappeared, and the structures of the fingers and toes can be recognized.

8 Seventh and Eighth Week Growth of the Human Embryo The neck is somewhat lengthened The upper lip is completed and the nose is more developed Measures from 28 to 30 mm in length

9 Third Month of Growth The head has extended and the neck has lengthened. The eyelids meet and fuse, remaining closed until the end of the sixth month. The limbs are well developed and nails appear on fingers and toes. The external generative organs are so far differentiated that it is possible to distinguish the sex. By the end of this month the length of the fetus is about 7 cm.

10 Fourth Month The loop of the gut is developed into the umbilical cord which is withdrawn from the fetus. The fetus ranges from 12 to 13 centimeters long but if you include the legs then it ranges from about 16 to 20 centimeters.

11 The Fifth Month of Human Embryo Growth During the Fifth Month the first movement of the fetus begins. Hair is now erupting from the skull. The fetus is about 25 to 27 cm.

12 Sixth Month of Human Growth The body is covered with fine hairs. The papilla of the skin are developed. The measure from the vertex to the heels, the total length of the fetus at the end of this month is from 30 to 32 cm.

13 Seventh Month of Human Growth The eyes lids and pupillary membranes open. From vertex to heels the total length at the end of the seventh month is from 35 to 36 cm. The weight is about a little over three pounds.

14 Eighth Month of Human Growth The skin is a pink color and is now entirely coated with protective material, and the fine hairs begin to disappear. The fetus presents a plump appearance. The total length, from head to heels, at the end of the eighth month is about 40 cm. The weight varies between 4 ½ and 5 ½ pounds.

15 Nine Months From Head to Heels the fetus measures about 50 centimeters. It weighs about 6 ½ pounds. End of Pregnancy

16 Child Development 0-1 Years Baby is in cognitive development Process of memory Learning mothers voice Language development begins Developing bonds of love and trust with parents

17 Child Development 1-2 Years During this time, your child is becoming more mobile. Likes to explore new objects and people. Can recognize himself in pictures or mirrors. Imitates the behaviors of others. Is able to recognize familiar names or phrases.

18 Child at Ages 2-3 Child asserts their independence Experiences huge intellectual, social and emotional changes Is able to follow two to three phrase commands, sort objects by shape and color, imitate the actions of adults and playmates, and express a wide range of emotions

19 Children at Ages 3-5 Years Your child will begin preschool. He or she will focus more on people outside of their family, and want to find out more about them. Will be able to ride a tricycle, sing a song, and dress themselves.

20 Middle Childhood (6-8) Begins to develop independence from the family Is able to do everyday things such as tying a shoe and getting dressed Child begins school Physical, social, and mental skills develop rapidly at this time

21 Children at Ages 9-11 Years Old Healthy friendships are important to your child. Children will encounter peer pressure, but can also decide from right and wrong. Physical changes of puberty are starting to appear more. Will face more academic challenges during school.

22 SOURCES /subject?id=15 /subject?id=15 m m d.htm d.htm d9-11.htm d9-11.htm

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