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6.1.12 Order of Operations Exponents SP Ms.Pandolfino.

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Presentation on theme: "6.1.12 Order of Operations Exponents SP Ms.Pandolfino."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.1.12 Order of Operations Exponents SP Ms.Pandolfino

2 SWBAT simplify expressions with exponents and grouping symbols using the order of operations (GEMDAS). Homework: Impact: pg 509 #’s 21-28

3 Vocabulary An exponent is a small _____________ number that tells how many times a factor is multiplied by itself. Example: 2 3 means _____ x _____ x _____

4 Vocabulary When we raise a number to the 2nd power we call it ______________. Example: 4 2 is read as ______________________ When we raise a number to the 3rd power we call it ________________. Example: 4 3 is read as _____________

5 Practice: Square Each Number

6 I Do

7 We Do - Whitboards Show your work on your whiteboard (show every step) When Ms. P give you the thumbs up record your answer in your packet then move on to the next problem When you finish this section move on in your packet

8 Extra Practice

9 Exit Ticket

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