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Geometry journal chapter 9 and 10

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1 Geometry journal chapter 9 and 10

2 Describe how to find the areas of a square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, kite and rhombus. Give at least 3 examples of each. rectangle A=lw Square A=s2 Triangle A=1/2 bh Parallelogram A= bh Trapezoid A=a (b1+b2)/2 Kite Area = (½) d1d2 Area of rhombus = product of diagonals

3 Describe how to find the area of a composite figure
Describe how to find the area of a composite figure. Explain what a composite figure is. Give at least 3 examples. A composite figure is a figure formed by two different figures To find the are of a composite figure first you have to find the areas of the first separate figure and then of the other figure after that you have to add up the two areas of the figures.

4 Describe how to find the area of a circle. Give at least 3 example
To find the area of a circle you have to multiply pi that it is 3.14 times the radius that its the half of the diameter squared Area = πr2 The area of the circle with the radius of 15 is The area of the circle with the radius of 23 is The area of the circle with the radius of 7 is

5 Describe what a solid is. Give at least 3 examples.
A solid is any 3 dimensional figure.

6 Describe how to find the surface area of a prism. What is a prism
Describe how to find the surface area of a prism. What is a prism? Explain what a “Net” is. Give at least 3 examples. To find the surface area of a prism you have to find the area of all of the faces and add them upp. A prism is formed by two pollygonal faces conected by faces that are parallelograms. A net is when a 3 dimensional figurs is unfolded.

7 Describe how to find the surface area of a cylinder
Describe how to find the surface area of a cylinder. Give at least 3 examples. Volume πr2 x height To find the surface area of a cylinder add the surface area of each end plus the surface area of the side.

8 Describe how to find the surface area of a pyramid. What is a pyramid
Describe how to find the surface area of a pyramid. What is a pyramid? Give at least 3 examples. to find the area of a pyramid you Base +n(.5)(side)(slant height). A pyramid is  a 3d figure with traingles as sides and a base

9 Describe how to find the surface area of a cone
Describe how to find the surface area of a cone. Give at least 3 examples. You hae to find the radius of the cricle part of the cone then you have to find the area of the circle then you have to add it up to the area of the cone. SA = πr2 + πrl Where, r is the radius h is the height l is the slant height

10 Describe how to find the volume of a cube. Give at least 3 examples.
You have to multiply the lengths of each dimension. Volume= length * width * height

11 Describe Cavalieri’s principle. Give at least 3 examples.
If the area of cross sections and heights of two solids are equal, then the volumes are equal.

12 Describe how to find the volume of a prism. Give at least 3 examples.
The volume of a prism = Area of the base × height

13 Describe how to find the volume of a cylinder. Give at least 3 examples.
The volume of a cylinder is found by multiplying the area of one end of the cylinder by its height. where: π  is Pi, approximately r  is the radius of the circular end of the cylinder h  height of the cylinder

14 Describe how to find the volume of a pyramid. Give at least 3 examples.
The volume, V, of a pyramid in cubic unitsis given by where A is the area of the base and h is the height of the pyramid.

15 Describe how to find the volume of a cone. Give at least 3 examples
V= 1/3 π rsquared (h) 

16 Describe how to find the surface area of a sphere
Describe how to find the surface area of a sphere. Give at least 3 examples. 4 π r squared. 

17 Describe how to find the volume of a sphere. Give at least 3 examples
V= 4/3 π r cubed.

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