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Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Congress.

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2 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Congress

3 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD JEOPARDY! 100 200 300 400 500 Elections Leadership Debate and Committees AnalysisShuffle Organization

4 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

5 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Presidential custom of submitting the names of prospective appointees for approval to senators from the states in which the appointees are to work.

6 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A provision attached to a bill, to which it may or may not be related, in order to secure its passage or defeat.

7 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Special spending projects that are set aside on behalf of individual members of Congress for their constituents.

8 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The powers explicitly given to Congress in the Constitution.

9 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD What is the greatest criticism people have of Congress? How do some people not see it as a criticism?

10 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group or incumbent.

11 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD An elected office that is predictably won by one party or the other.

12 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The current holder of an elected office that is running for re- election.

13 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The assigning by Congress of Congressional seats after each census.

14 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Why did Congress end up being bicameral? What is an advantage and disadvantage of this?

15 A meeting of the members of a party in a legislative chamber to select party leaders and to develop party policy. Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD

16 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Party leader who is the liaison between the leadership and the rank-and-file in the legislature.

17 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The legislative leader selected by the minority party as spokesperson for the opposition.

18 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Officer of the Senate selected by the majority party to act as chair in the absence of the vice president.

19 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD What are three advantages of incumbency?

20 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A permanent committee establish in a legislature usually focusing on a policy area.

21 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A procedure for terminating debate in the Senate.

22 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A document which is signed by a majority of the House to pry a bill from committee. Daily Double!!!

23 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Committee to adjust differences on a particular bill passed by each chamber in Congress in different form.

24 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A procedural restriction in the House of Representatives that prohibits any amendments to bills or provides that only members of the committee reporting the bill may offer amendments.

25 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators.

26 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The redrawing of Congressional and other legislative district lines following the census to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population.

27 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Identify 4 characteristics of the makeup of Congress and explain why it might pose a problem in a democracy like ours.

28 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Explain three influences on the voting patterns of a member of Congress?

29 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Trace the steps a bill takes in becoming a law in the House of Representatives if its already been considered by the Senate. (10 steps) Daily Double!!!

30 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD An official who is expected to vote independently based on his or her judgment of the circumstances.

31 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Identify three ways that a bill can be killed.

32 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD List three differences when comparing the House of Representatives to the Senate.

33 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Identify three reasons why the president has gained more power when compared to Congress.

34 Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD What are the three rules for drawing Congressional districts?

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