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Spring 2010 ELD I - S MITH. F EBRUARY 12, 2010  SSR  Man in the Mirror Test  Vocabulary  Stuart Little  HW:  Stuart Little Flow map  Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2010 ELD I - S MITH. F EBRUARY 12, 2010  SSR  Man in the Mirror Test  Vocabulary  Stuart Little  HW:  Stuart Little Flow map  Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2010 ELD I - S MITH

2 F EBRUARY 12, 2010  SSR  Man in the Mirror Test  Vocabulary  Stuart Little  HW:  Stuart Little Flow map  Vocabulary due 2/23  Reading Log

3 S TUART L ITTLE V OCABULARY 1  Trifle (5)  Attempt (15)  Glance (18)  Gleaming (18)  Shrill (20)  Curious (20)  Pantry (21)  Spyglass (28)  Spectacles (29)  Forgive (29)  Gaze (31)  Blunder (33)  Detestable (33)  Diminutive (32)  Aye (34)  Braced (34)

4 F RIDAY, F EBRUARY 19, 2010  SSR  “All You Need Is Love”  Writing Narrative Practice  HW:  Tree map Stewart Little  Tree map Stewart

5 T UESDAY, F EBRUARY 23, 2010  SSR  Writing practice  In Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, Alice laughed and said, “There’s no use trying, one can’t believe impossible things.”  Explain why you agree or disagree with Alice.

6 T HURSDAY F EBRUARY 25, 2010  SSR  Writing Practice: Response to literature  HW:  Finish essay plan

7 F RIDAY F EBRUARY, 26, 2010 6 P ERIOD D AY  Writing Test Practice Test  HW:  Final draft writing essay test

8 T UESDAY, M ARCH 2, 2010 Writing Test Day!!!! Good Luck, guys!! You can do it!!!  SSR  Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day  HW:  The Lorax nonsense words

9 M ONDAY, M ARCH 8, 2010  SSR  Review grammar hw  Review Dr. Seuss hw  Stuart Little  HW:  Reading log  Stuart little vocabulary 3/18 (Thursday)


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