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Project Format Slide background is to be a single pale color— NO extra designs All text must be a single solid dark color All titles are in Arial font,

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Presentation on theme: "Project Format Slide background is to be a single pale color— NO extra designs All text must be a single solid dark color All titles are in Arial font,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Format Slide background is to be a single pale color— NO extra designs All text must be a single solid dark color All titles are in Arial font, bold text, 44 point No text smaller than Arial font, bold text, 28 point Citation for information, pictures and graphs must on a slide below the object and are to be Arial 8 point

2 Project Requirements 1.Geographical locations-(map) and specific examples where found (2 slides) 2.Monthly averages of Rainfall and Temperature in climatograph (1 slide) 3.Physical features (1-2 slides) 4.Four types of animals and four types of plants with pictures and scientific names (2 slides) 5.Biome Food Chain with pictures (1-2 slides) 6.Four interesting/unusual facts (1-2 slides) 7.References (1-2 slides)

3 References you are to use biomes/biomes.tundra.animals.adaptation s.html biomes/biomes.tundra.animals.adaptation s.html contents.htm contents.htm g101/textbook/climate_systems/ ml g101/textbook/climate_systems/ ml

4 Biome Project Example ppt. Name Date Period

5 Topical Rain Forest

6 Topical Rain Forest Central America in the Amazon river basin. Africa - Zaire basin, with a small area in West Africa; also eastern Madagascar. Indo-Malaysia - west coast of India, Assam, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Queensland, Australia

7 Tundra Biome

8 Physical features PH of soil and soil quality Terrain features (mountains, rivers, lakes) Humidity Elevation Controlling features etc.

9 Common Name(s): Silky Phacelia, Purple Fringe Genus: Phacelia Species: sericea Plant and Animal Slides use the format above to make: Two slide with 2 plants each Two slides with 2 animals each

10 Biome Food Chain

11 4 Interesting/Unusual Facts Your choice what goes here

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