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Searching for an Application for Consent Tutorial 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching for an Application for Consent Tutorial 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching for an Application for Consent Tutorial 2

2 Step 1.1 From the Energy Infrastructure Portal Home Page, click the Enter Site link to access the Portal login page. Click to Continue…

3 Step 1.2 Enter your username and password and click the GO button to enter the portal. Click to Continue…

4 Step 2.1 All applications that your organisation is managing via the portal, regardless of their status, can be retrieved and reviewed via the Search Applications screen. Click to Continue… Step 2.2 To search for an application, click the Search Applications link. Click to Continue…

5 Step 3.1 The 'Search Application' screen allows you to search for an application based on a wide range of different criteria including, but not limited to: The unique reference number that your organisation has assigned to the application. Part or all of the application description. The Grantor that is involved in the application. Click to Continue… Step 3.2 For this example, a Network Operators Reference number is entered as a search criteria. Click to Continue…

6 Step 3.3 Applications satisfying the specified criteria can be viewed in more detail by clicking the link located under the Network Operator’s Reference Column. You can return to the Workbasket screen by clicking the Workbasket link in the top-left corner of the screen. Click to Continue…

7 Step 5.1 Click the Log Out link to log out of the Portal. Click to Continue…

8 End of Tutorial

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