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CANVAS 101 Training Raymond B. Stewart Middle School October 25, 2013 LEARNING GOAL: Explain what Canvas is and show how to join a course.

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Presentation on theme: "CANVAS 101 Training Raymond B. Stewart Middle School October 25, 2013 LEARNING GOAL: Explain what Canvas is and show how to join a course."— Presentation transcript:

1 CANVAS 101 Training Raymond B. Stewart Middle School October 25, 2013 LEARNING GOAL: Explain what Canvas is and show how to join a course.

2 Professional Growth System Standards-Based Instruction Professional Learning MTSS: One Integrated Framework *CCSS and NGSSS PLC Effective Instruction and Leadership PASCO’S INTEGRATED SYSTEM: What What?

3 Where do you fall in the scale? 4: I understand Canvas and could teach our staff how to use it! 3: I am comfortable using Canvas and have joined some courses 2: I have logged onto Canvas but have not done much else 1: I have tried to log on to Canvas without success 0: What’s Canvas?

4 I. What is Canvas? Canvas is a learning management system that Pasco Schools has purchased for our teachers and students.

5 II. How to Get on Canvas Go to

6 II. How to Join a Course Go to and join Next, join Next, join

7 III. Dashboard Homepage Tour

8 IV. How to Get Help! OR OR

9 V. Setting Up a Course Pages Modules

10 VI. Adding Other Features 1)Buttons: 2)Add calendar events 3)Create assignments with rubrics 4)Make quizzes 5)Speed Grader! 6)Publish your course 7)Settings for Navigation 8)Import and export content and course templates

11 VIII. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Begin creating your Canvas course by… 1)Setting up your profile and notifications 2)Create one course module and one page 3)Post a discussion 4)Make an announcement 5)Construct an assignment with a rubric 6)Write a quiz

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