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Effective Planning and Preparedness Efforts at the Multi- Agency/community level: A United States Perspective John Ferris Joint US/EU Conference on Health.

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2 Effective Planning and Preparedness Efforts at the Multi- Agency/community level: A United States Perspective John Ferris Joint US/EU Conference on Health and Safety at Work November 7 – 9, 2007 Cascais, Portugal

3 Sub-Topic 1 Focus Questions 1.What are the critical elements of the planning and preparation process at all levels (Federal/State/local/corporate/facility), particularly with respect to coordination and communication with each other? 2.What examples of successful coordination might serve as models? 3.What are the most significant weak links in this chain of entities and how can they be strengthened? 4.What is the role of government agencies in assisting enterprises and facilities with their worker safety and health needs during an emergency? 5.What is the role of an enterprise or facility in assisting government agencies with their response needs during an emergency? 6.What reasonable expectations should government agencies, enterprises, facilities, and labor representatives have of each other concerning these questions/situations? 7.What systems could/should be in place to foster, sustain and enhance the necessary coordination network to ensure a successful response?

4 Mississippi – the Biloxi Area

5 Grand Casino Gulfport Barge

6 The Ocean Springs Yacht Club (right) was washed away along with the U.S. 90 Ocean Springs bridge.

7 Gulf Oil Rig Washed Inland by Katrina




11 Basic Structure of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the United States Department of Homeland Security –OSHA, NIOSH, and other Federal Agencies support the overall mission State Officials Local Officials (e.g. Local Emergency Planning Committees) –Incident Commanders –“All Emergencies are Local”

12 National Response Framework National Response Plan National Incident Management System National Preparedness Guidelines National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Each of these Documents have a Worker Safety and Health Component

13 National Planning Scenarios

14 National Response Plan Worker Safety and Health Support Annex Coordination of Federal support to assist Federal, State and local response and recovery. Ensure worker safety and health risks are anticipated, recognized, evaluated, communicated, and consistently controlled. Provides support for Needs Assessment, Hazard Assessment, Monitoring, Health/Safety Planning, PPE assistance, Data Management, Training, Communication and other Technical Assistance

15 National Incident Management System Incident Command System

16 Projected/Desired Conference Outcomes for Subtopic One In addition to general responses to the above focus questions, identification and or development of a compilation of "good practices," "success stories," "lessons learned," and alternatives. These items should be useful to business, labor and government after the conference. a "checklist" of essential steps in the coordination and communication process and some examples of successful implementation.


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