European Gas Codes Update. Industry-wide seminar in conjunction with Ofgem and DECC  National Grid will be holding a workshop on 15th July on European.

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Presentation on theme: "European Gas Codes Update. Industry-wide seminar in conjunction with Ofgem and DECC  National Grid will be holding a workshop on 15th July on European."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Gas Codes Update

2 Industry-wide seminar in conjunction with Ofgem and DECC  National Grid will be holding a workshop on 15th July on European Network Codes with DECC and Ofgem:  Aims to build upon the workshop held on 31st January  To cover both gas and electricity  Provide details of work plans for ACER, ENTSOE and ENTSOG  Provide update on progress with the development of framework guidelines and network codes  Venue: Elexon’s offices, 4th Floor, 350 Euston Road, London NW1 3AW  Registration from 09.30 to 10.00 and we are aiming to finish by 15.10  Please book a place by contacting by 11th July, unannounced attendance cannot be accepted at the venue.

3 Transmission Workgroup Updates  National Grid NTS continues to encourage GB stakeholders to participate in the EU network code development process (consultations, stakeholder workshops, etc.)  “European developments” is now a standing agenda item for the Transmission Workgroup  National Grid NTS intend to use this agenda item to provide further updates on European code developments  Agenda item only to be used if there is something to report!  It is envisaged that specific UNC Workgroups will be raised as European developments become clear/firm

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