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Progress with Personalisation in the North West region Carey Bamber Personalisation Programme Manager North West Joint Improvement Partnership

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1 Progress with Personalisation in the North West region Carey Bamber Personalisation Programme Manager North West Joint Improvement Partnership

2 Joint Improvement Partnership Partnership of regional organisations who have prioritised shared work Skills for Care, Department of Health NW, ADASS, NW Employers Organisation, CQC, Social Care Institute for Excellence, NHS North West, Care Services Efficiency and Delivery. Support for service improvement and policy delivery, no performance management. Focus on adult social care

3 ADASS Facts and Figures Survey March 2010 140,000 people with PB 30,000 one off payments ~50% OP 1 in 6 of eligible users £900m expenditure, £670m via DP Half receive £100+ per week 40+ LA’s currently commit 20% of entire community support budget Expect to achieve 376,000 by March 2011 - 41% of people receiving ongoing community support NB new data being collated now

4 Putting People First 2007-2010 £520 million over 3 years to support the transformation National delivery programme at DH, with national sector consortium (LGA, ADASS and others) In Control Resources and materials National Provider Forum, citizens reference group Regional programmes – networks, project support, events, resources, Citizen leaders, ULO, PHB, Right to Control Section 64 Projects to support 2009/11 Milestones – developed by the sector 5 areas, plus underpinning themes

5 NW History High ambition - Lead Officers group, model district service, institutional closures In Control development Culture of sharing, learning and partnerships Innovation – pilots e.g. Individual Budgets, Common Assessment Framework, Personal Health Budgets, Right to Control

6 NW Activity JIP Personalisation Programme LA Leads Network User Led Organisations programme Citizen Leaders Personal Health Budgets Right to Control LINks

7 NW Activity NW Leads –events, sharing learning, joint work Provider development Influence national policy and development Sub regional activity Associated projects, RTC, PHB

8 Milestone 1 - Effective partnerships with People using services, carers and other local citizens April 2010October 2010April 2011 That a communication has been made to the public including all current service users and to all local stakeholders about the transformation agenda and its benefits for them. That the move to personal budgets is well understood and that local service users are contributing to the development of local practice. [By Dec 2009] That users and carers are involved with and regularly consulted about the councils plans for transformation of adult social care. That local service users understand the changes to personal budgets and that many are contributing to the development of local practice. That every council area has at least one user-led organisation who are directly contributing to the transformation to personal budgets. (By December 2010)

9 Milestone 2 - Self-directed support and personal budgets April 2010October 2010April 2011 That every council has introduced personal budgets, which are being used by existing or new service users/ carers. That all new service users / carers (with assessed need for ongoing support) are offered a personal budget. That all service users whose care plans are subject to review are offered a personal budget. That at least 30% of eligible service users/carers have a personal budget.

10 Milestone 3 - Prevention and cost effective services April 2010October 2010April 2011 That every council has a clear strategy, jointly with health, for how it will shift some investment from reactive provision towards preventative and enabling/ rehabilitative interventions for 2010/11. Agreements should be in place with health to share the risks and benefits to the ‘whole system’. That processes are in place to monitor across the whole system the impact of this shift in investment towards preventative and enabling services. This will enable efficiency gains to be captured and factored into joint investment planning, especially with health. That there is evidence that cashable savings have been released as a result of the preventative strategies and that overall social care has delivered a minimum of 3% cashable savings. There should also be evidence that joint planning has been able to apportion costs and benefits across the ‘whole system’.

11 Milestone 4 - Information and advice April 2010October 2010April 2011 That every council has a strategy in place to create universal information and advice services. That the council has put in place arrangements for universal access to information and advice. That the public are informed about where they can go to get the best information and advice about their care and support needs.

12 Milestone 5 - Local commissioning April 2010October 2010April 2011 That councils and PCTs have commissioning strategies that address the future needs of their local population and have been subject to development with all stakeholders especially service users and carers; providers and third sector organisations in their areas. These commissioning strategies take account of the priorities identified through their JSNAs. That providers and third sector organisations are clear on how they can respond to the needs of people using personal budgets. An increase in the range of service choice is evident. That councils have clear plans regarding the required balance of investment to deliver the transformation agenda. That stakeholders are clear on the impact that purchasing by individuals, both publicly (personal budgets) and privately funded, will have on the procurement of councils and PCTs in such a way that will guarantee the right kind of supply of services to meet local care and support needs.

13 PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST - NORTH WEST SELF ASSESSMENT JUN 2010 UPDATE A- Achie ved N - Not Achieved 1 = Very Likely 2 = Fairly Likely 3 = Fairly Unlikely 4 = Very Unlikely 5 = Not Answered Milestone 1 - Effective partnerships with People using services, carers and other local citizens Milestone 2 - Self-directed support and personal budgets Milestone 3 - Prevention and cost effective services Milestone 4 - Information and advice Milestone 5 - Local commissioning April 2010 October 2010 April 2011 April 201 0 October 2010 April 2011 April 2010 October 2010 April 2011 April 2010 October 2010 April 2011 April 2010 October 2010 April 2011 A11 A12 A21 A11 A21 A11 A12 A22 A11 A22 A11 A11 A11 N11 A11 A11 A11 N22 A11 N21 A21 A1A A21 A11 N11 A1A A11 N11 A11 A12 AAA AA2 A22 A22 A22 A11 A11 A22 A22 A22 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A21 A11 A11 A11 A11 A22 A11 A22 A22 AA1 N23 A11 A11 A11 A11 N33 N44 A21 N21 N11 N21 N11 A22 AA2 A11 A12 A11 A22 A11 A12 A22 A11 A11 A11 A11 A23 AA1 A22 A1A A11 A22 AAA A22 A11 AA1 N22 A11 A11 AAA A11 A11 AAA AA1 A11 AA1 A22 N11 A11 A11 AA1 A11 A11 A11 A1A A12 N11 A11 A22



16 What is coming Huge challenges! Vision What Good Looks Like Outcomes framework social care Demonstrating the Change Milestones post 2011 Expectation of 100% application Focus on; Authentic offer, quality outcomes, real choice Delivered and demonstrated by the NW region Right to Control, Personal Health budgets, more, faster…

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