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BARRY LEWIS Educators Conference 2012. Two key areas only Enhanced and Extended GP Specialty Training Quality assurance of training in the new NHS.

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Presentation on theme: "BARRY LEWIS Educators Conference 2012. Two key areas only Enhanced and Extended GP Specialty Training Quality assurance of training in the new NHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 BARRY LEWIS Educators Conference 2012

2 Two key areas only Enhanced and Extended GP Specialty Training Quality assurance of training in the new NHS

3 Enhanced and Extended GP Training Next steps Education case accepted so -> Present again, supported by MPB, to full board of MEE (before end September 2012) If accepted economic and full implementation case presented to DH scrutiny board Presented to Treasury Only after this will be ‘set to go’ ??1 st cohort to start ST1 August 2014

4 Enhanced + Extended? Not just 3+1 Key areas  Paediatrics and child health  Mental health  Care of the ageing population  Prevention  Leadership and management Skills developed throughout training and confirmed as competent at CCT – end of ST4

5 Posts and placements Acknowledgement that there are not enough ‘posts’ to meet this need Placement = working and learning in service supervised by the appropriate specialist At least 24 months in a GP post A minimum of 12 months in hospital specialty posts 12 months ‘up for grabs’…..

6 Theory

7 Practical enhancement 2/3 hospital posts or 1x4m GP post 6m GP and 6m hospital post 12m GP12m ITP GP Gateway ARCP, CSA required ITP flow to relevant departments (placements/ posts)

8 Questions?

9 Quality Assurance Understand the structures Understand the powers Understand the conflicts  To remain confused………………….

10 10 Education and Training System Secretary of State Health Education England Department of Health Public Health England Local Education and Training Boards NHS Commissioning Board Research Education Health Service Providers Secretary of State Duty to maintain an effective system of education and training as part of comprehensive health service Department of Health Set Education Outcomes Framework Sponsor for HEE Hold system to account, via HEE Health Education England Accountable to SofS, via DH Compliant with DH Education Outcomes and Performance Assurance Frameworks Accountable to DH for allocation of education and training funding Set strategic Education Operating Framework (responding to input from PHE and NHSCB) NHS Commissioning Board Input service commissioning priorities to HEE strategic Education Operating Framework Public Health England Input public health priorities to HEE strategic Education Operating Framework Local Education and Training Boards Bring together Health, Education and Research sectors Accountable to HEE for delivery against Education Operating Framework Assessed against Education Outcomes Framework and Professional Regulators

11 Ensure the health workforce has the right skills, behaviours and training, available in the right numbers, to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement 1. Excellent education 2. Competent and capable staff 3. Adaptable and flexible workforce 4. NHS values and behaviours Education Outcomes Framework 5. Widening participation Excellent experience for staff (inc students /trainees) and patients Excellent experience for staff (inc students /trainees) and patients Safety Effectiveness Domains Aim Domains Quality 4

12 The EOF will be relevant to four relationships…. 12 DHHEELETBs Healthcare providers with Training responsibilities Education Providers

13 ..but needs to take account of the role of generic and specific regulators, and other stakeholders 13 DHHEELETBs Healthcare providers with Training responsibilities Education Providers

14 So what does it mean? The training practice  CQC registration and QM of standards  Trainer registration with GMC  Practice and trainer approval with deanery – QC by TPD  Using AoME/GMC standards  Using EOF Quality outcomes - experience, effectiveness and safety  Using RCGP curriculum and assessment framework

15 So what does it mean? The Deanery  Will undertake QM of programmes, sites and educators –  Using AoME/GMC standards  Using EOF Quality outcomes - experience, effectiveness and safety  Using RCGP curriculum and assessment framework completing the ADR  Will be QM by  LETB using EOF  GMC using standards for trainers and standards for deaneries using the ASR  HEE using EOF and Monitor standards for NHS management and finances  RCGP through the ADR and QM of ARCP

16 Any deficit and consequent action in one domain and regulator will have immediate effect on the others and ability to deliver training

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