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Community Capacity Building Issues raised by reading HMIE reports.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Capacity Building Issues raised by reading HMIE reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Capacity Building Issues raised by reading HMIE reports

2 CCB Subgroup Looked at 68/93 summary Learning Community reports – criteria used to make judgements – range of work and partners covered Better understanding of: – contributions that different organisations and sectors make – how CCB can be better organised and delivered in different settings

3 Diverse approaches Great diversity in reports: – topics, organisations and activities covered – criteria used to assess them Reflects genuine diversity of community capacity building work and in communities Also reflects different evidence presented

4 CRITERIA “The impact of capacity building on communities” OUTCOME v PROCESS

5 STRENGTHS IDENTIFIED Most often: General nature and level of voluntary and community activity Only sometimes: Effectiveness/ capacity of groups Effectiveness of capacity building Inclusiveness of groups Engagement in decision making (more likely as a weakness)

6 SCOPE Who are the capacity builders? Are effective community groups: Active capacity building partners? Or indicators of success?

7 CONTEXT Why is socioeconomic profile relevant? How far does capacity building ‘need’ relate to affluence/ deprivation?

8 THE CHALLENGE We need to have a dialogue and: Get a clearer focus on identifying effective CCB work – What are its essential components? – Who is involved? – What should the priorities be? Show how CCB contributes to wider outcomes

9 WHO SHOULD BE INVOLVED? EVERYONE (CLDMS, LTS, HMIE, community and voluntary sectors etc)

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